bird dog

About that Barry Grimes guy… He’s good. Although all of those free reports drive me crazy! He one of the few though that could convince me. Essentially he could have summed his 119 pages in a couple of sentences. Start birddoging for investors and get paid. I can help, buy my program. It probably wouldn’t be as effective or inviting but… that’s basically all he said in all of that. That whole diary thing in the report was pretty slick. A little red herring falacy thing going on… If nothing else he’s a good writer :slight_smile:

DBS - I came across your reply below and wanted to ask you a question. I am also in MD. You indicated the following in your message …

"Here in Maryland, however, a new law has just recently been passed that precludes anyone from approaching people in pre-foreclosure, therefore, my clients are forced now to track them in multiple list. ".

What does “therefore, my clients are forced now to track them in multiple list” mean.

How do your clients get pre-foreclosure deals?

The new law allows real estate agents to pursue pre-foreclosures and REOs. Therefore, if you want to pursue these, an agent will need to do it for you. From what I understand, the Maryland Association of Realtors had a good lobbyist in Annapolis during the signing of this law who worked to allow agents, who are held to a strict code of ethics, to help people in foreclosure.

Interesting. So the private investor who doesn’t want to use an agent is screwed.

BTW, I have nothing against agents. We have a family friend who has been practicing Real Settlements for 25 years so we were planning on contacting the pre-foreclosures ourselves and then having the settlement company draw up the contract and other necessary paperwork.

Yes, unfortunately, this is the case. It seems that too many not so nice people were preying on people in pre-foreclosure and foreclosure which makes it bad for everyone. If agents do that, we can be fined heavily or lose our license all together. If you have a friend who is an agent, form a partnership with them and work out a reasonable fee. I’m sure he/she will be glad to work with you.


could you shoot me an email with your contact info in case i find properties for you?

my email is