Bird Dog

How can I become a Bird Dog​:bird: :poodle: ?

Why wouldn’t you just wholesale yourself?

You can be a bird dog for me. Where do you live?


How come the first thing to come to my mind is "The blind leading the birddog"? 


Haha, if Redstar had some bird dogs bringing him properties it wud help him learn to evaluate deals and eventually learn to flip some houses.
That’s how I got going, I feel sorry for the bird dogs that were finding me deals at first, cuz I’m sure I let a lot of potential deals slip thru my fingers. I didn’t know what I was doing, but I learned fast.
One in particular I remember very well, it was a gorgeous house with land scaping and pool, sellers were going into a rest home and son was putting in new carpet and painting and wanted 190K, I tried to get him down to 180K but he wudnt budge.
A week later I called him back and he had listed it for 240 and sold it first day for full price, man, what a mistake.
Now, If seller wants $43,000 for a burned up house & is firm on the price, I get it on contract, I just sold that burnt house for a 6K profit with the bird dog getting 2K
I had one junk house the seller owed 93K and just wanted out, it was rented and sellers lived out of state. I got it on contract for the balance owed & never believing I cud sell it, Lo and Behold, and I made $2.500 on it.
I been learning those lessons.
But unlike Redstar, I took action and never gave up.
Let’s make some Money… Rando

In order become a bird dog you will need to improve your detective abilities. The bird dog has to gather information that will give the investor the upper hand in a real estate investment deal. Being a bird dog is a great way for building real estate experience and reputation. :biggrin :cool

Anybody have any advice on bird dogs?