Bird Dog help

Having a little problem finding bird dogs that know or are fast learners on multifamily.

Tried but keep getting wrong criteria back.

Anyone here that has experience bird dogging can guide me of where to find people with knowledge and determination or even determination alone?

Multifamily seems so simple to me and even with presented with something close to what I am looking for I will be the one doing the numbers to determine if a deal or not.

Currently looking in Southern California.

Please adviseā€¦I am frustrated!


Generally speaking "Bird Dogs" is a term used in the residential investing industry! I have never personally heard of commercial multi family bird dogs as it's a whole different level of competency and involves a whole different level of sophistication!


I know, with so many possibilities out there for getting in real estate, few want-to-be investors are willing to do what it takes :biggrin
The best bird dog prospects are new want-to-be investors, who might not have the finances or the knowledge to get into the business right away.
I wrote an article about it a while back - check it out at
How do you find bird dogs? Ads on Craigslist, bandit signs, call wholesalers, talk to real estate agents - you need to find a new and eager investor. You will find them: you need only a couple of them to keep your pipeline full.