Best Classified AD

Could some experienced investors please tell me what you consider to be the best worded classified ad? The ad will simply be to get motivated sellers to call. I know if you don’t get any calls from the ad it is worded wrong, and I don’t want to waste any money on one that isnt going to work! Thanks for your time




Cash Paid, Fast Closing

Call Now to Sell Now

Stop Foreclosure Now!

This gets the calls and you approach helping the people if you can and earn a fee, if not you’ve gained credibility and they have extinguished most of their options. I use this very effectively.

Use a filtering system. Have a voicemailbox that they can leave their name and number at. Them say that if they are ready to sell at a discount now then call you on your cell phone.

We buy Houses
Best price in town
100% of Value

I’m confused Bud,
How can you say that you have the best price in town or 100% of the financing when you are asking them to sell at a discount?

I used to use one like:

No Closing Costs
Close within 24 hrs

That’s when I was doing contract for deeds, and it worked well.

hello all

First post with question.

kbrandau how did you take over payments on the property. dont all mortgage contracts have a due on sale clause that avoids wrap around mortgages.


A contract for deed (a.k.a. “installment land contract”) is an agreement wherein the buyer makes installment payments on an arrangement similar to an automobile financing. The seller holds legal title to the property as security for payment, while the buyer has “equitable” title.

When the buyer pays the full amount due under the contract, the seller delivers legal title to the buyer.
Equitable title gives the buyer the right to live in the property, improve it, rent it and otherwise enjoy all of the benefits of ownership. However, since the buyer does not have legal title, he cannot use it as collateral for a home equity loan (although in some states, banks will lend against an equitable interest in a contract for deed).

Transfer of title does not occur until the balance of the mortgage is paid in full, at which time, title is then transferred to the buyer.

Hope this helps?

Good Luck!


I always like…



A couple questions, if I may…

  1. To whom does the buyer make the payments? The Seller? An escrow agent? The original lender?

  2. How does this differ from a sandwich lease option structure?

  3. Can the Buyer (now holding his contract for deed) quickly turn around and do a lease/option arrangement with a Tenant/Buyer since the buyer holds equitable title?

  4. Would the buyer normally come in at full value in a case like this, or do you find that motivated sellers are willing to simply let the place go for what they owe on it (or a bit more)?

I see the Contract for Deed (Land Contract) as a viable alternative to buying “subject 2” where you have a motivated seller, but he doesn’t want to give you the deed. Am I right on this point? That’s why I am wondering what’s the big selling point on a Land Contract over a Sandwich Lease Option arrangement.

  1. “Contract for Deed” vs. “Land Contract.” Is there a difference? Why the 2 terms? Or is it simply the name for the same document by varies by state?

Thanks for the input…much appreciated.



I’m sure that Kirk will respond, but for now

  1. If YOU’RE the buyer, I strongly recommend that you either setup an escrow agent or you send a check directly to the lender and a check for any remainder amount to the seller directly.

  2. It’s a much stronger position than a L/O (although still not as strong as getting the deed outright). You don’t get legal title, but you do have equitable title (btw, when doing these, a fully performed, notarized deed should be held in escrow). Setup properly, a CFD prevents the seller from getting new financing, selling to someone else, and in general, protects the buyer much better than a L/O, even if the L/O is recorded. The CFD should be recorded at the courthouse.

  3. Yep. It’s yours. You should get the tax breaks for owning the property as well (speak with your tax professional on this).

  4. If you’re an investor, I think that your goal should always be to buy at the biggest discount possible. It is possible to make money and buy at full retail, but it takes a very experienced investor to do so. Remember too, full retail is still full price MINUS the normal costs of selling (agent fees, holding costs, closing costs, etc.)

  5. Land contract, contract for deed, installment sale contract, install land contract, peanut butter and jelly contract, etc. It’s all the same, as you said, the name varies depending on the state. Also, state laws vary greatly on the laws concerning these contracts, so review them carefully before deciding to use them in your REI career, or it might be a short career.

Hope it helps,


Sure does help, thanks !

Could you say, then, that Selling with a Contract for Deed is the exact OPPOSITE of a Sub 2 Deal?

Seller keeps deed in the first and you get the deed in the latter. You’re still making payments on the seller’s mortgage, right? The only differnce seems to be ownership of the deed.

Correct me if I’m wrong, please.

I am trying to understand because, the way I am looking at it right now, with Sub2’s and CFD’s in your bag 'o tricks (and LO’s, really) you should be able to help just about any owner out of trouble and do some fantastic deals for yourself while rekieveing them of their debt issues and helping them move on.

Well, I wouldn’t call it the opposite of a sub2 deal. They are both accomplishing the same end goal.

Remember, anytime that you do not have the deed in your name, you are at risk. A CFD limits these risks moreso than a L/O does, but there are still risks.

The obvious risk is that since you aren’t the legal owner, the legal owner still has control of the property and is still able to put that property at risk and there is little that you can do about it (can anybody say bankruptcy?).

There are also other risks, most notable, the real possiblity that you cannot sell the property. Standard CFD’s usually do not allow the buyer to sell or sublet without the approval of the owner. Of course, if you’re using your version of a CFD, and you’re the buyer, this wouldn’t be a problem. Still, since you aren’t the legal owner, many lenders will not proceed with a sell to the end buyer because you don’t have legal title to sell. It is possible to get around this, but you need to be prepared to handle this when you get into the property.
