Bandit Signs

Do they really work?? Has anyone out there ever had deals come there way using’em??[i][/i]

Do Bandit Signs really work?? Has anyone out there ever done deals with this type of marketing?? If so how long did it take and how many were you putting out?

I think its really going to depend on how many you put out and in which areas of town they are in. Also, it will help to be sure they are still up after a week or two as some cities or, more specifically, neighborhoods will try to remove them as soon as they’re up no matter where they’re posted.

Overall though, it can provide some relatively cheap advertising that will provide some leads. I have done a few ‘campaigns’ with signs around town in years past and did get some calls. To give an idea on my response rate, I put up about 10-15 signs each time I put them out and would spread them over about 2 or 3 target areas. From that, I’d usually get at least 2 or 3 calls within 2 or 3 weeks (assuming most of the signs were still posted).

If you think about it, if it costs you $100 to print 50 color flyers and laminate them and you get 10 calls and end up buying one property, you could find that little bit of money and time into this was well worth finding a great deal you may not have come across otherwise. So I’d definitely give them a try. Just be sure you know the type of deals you’re after before you get that call.

Hope that helps!

And make sure you research the municipal codes and compliance within your area. If its illegal, post at your own discretion. I know in my area, I can post away with no restrictions. In the town next to me, I can still post but it has to be within certain guidelines. So just make sure you cover your butt. I also have an untraceable voicemail, just to keep my cell from being blown up. Might be somethin you want to look into.

We love Bandit Signs and yes they do work. But here’s an important secret that only super elite investors know - please keep this to yourselves because I don’t want to be responsible to everyone making tons of money by exposing this secret -

Bandit signs only work if you PUT THEM UP!!!

I can’t tell you how many people that I have spoken with that have told me Bandit Signs don’t work - when I ask them how many they put up I typically get an answer like - “well I put up 50 one weekend and didn’t find a deal” - and they give up! Bandit signs are an on-going source of leads for us, but guess what? We are out every Saturday morning at 5 am putting up Bandit signs…

Here’s a blog post we wrote recently about bandit signs:

Bandit signs absolutely work.

Two weeks ago I had 40 put out and got 9 calls and bought one house.
Several days ago put out 40 more and got 2 calls so far.

The two sets were put in different areas and I think the first set stayed up a little longer (about 1 week).

Right now supercheapsigns (i do not have anything to do with them) is having 10% off with code ‘HOOPLA’

I am reporting where my leads are coming from on my blog.