i live in new york and i have couple single family home in INDIANA, need to rehub but neighbour hood is not that great… stealing COPER pipe and things like that… crime rate 7%… any tips to save from theif and how TO find section 8 tenant…!

These are the problems of being a long distance landlord.

From a practical standpoint, you could get an inexpensive alarm system to help with the stealing. Be sure to get yard signs announcing the alarm system. If you need to re-install water lines, DON’T USE COPPER.


Sell them to local investors and save the headache. Are they doing anything for you as they sit vacant? Section 8 tenant most likely means the houses aren’t that expensive?

I don’t think I would be up for such a challenge.

Or, could you partner with a local contractor and trade partial ownership for the rehab and management of the property? You could maintain partial ownership and get rid of the sleepless nights.

The copper theft is a big problem. I work for an insurance company and we’re looking at a claim where some thieves were torching copper out of a vacant property. The idiots caught the building on fire and it was a complete loss. Be careful…

rrestates… where in Indiana are these properties located?