Back to Back Closings

I have a old landlord of mine that i recently put on my buyers list and he is very wrapped in what i might make if i wholesale him a deal. so wrapped that he said more than 5k is to much for me to make because hes the one doing all the work after he buys so i figure i’ll slap him with a back to back closing so he wont know what i’ve made.thing is :shocked it’ll be my first one how do i set it up???

I don’t get it, didn’t you purchase Eric Medemar’s wholesaling course ? It doesn’t teach you about conducting a double closing in it ?

Yeah! I’ve been wondering that myself. Its in there, its also on the forums. Back to that landlord. This just cracks me up, who is he to say whats to much? His costs will be the same if he buys from you or some other person, so add in the cost of a flip funder and see if that makes him feel better. I’m sure you’d add that in, I would. Maybe you should point that out to MR. Landlord. Herbster

yeah the course does just at the time i wanted a direct answer didnt feel like going thru the course to get it at the moment. but i will sure add the cost of a flip funder in. i’ll let you know what happen’s with this guy…

Tell this guy to take a hike and don’t let the door hit him on the ass on the way out. Investors should care LESS about what you are making. If the deal works for them at the price your offering then that’s the only thing that should matter to them. Investors are pretty comical sometimes when it comes to what other investors are making.

The “good” ones could care less if you make $10.00 or $10,000. You are providing a service to this lazy prick and yet he wants to dictate what your worth. Priceless!

I’ve been down this road countless times. The one’s that ask me what I got it for and how much I’m making never hear from me again and if they ask about another deal of mine I don’t deal with them. They are a waste of my time and your time and all of our time is precious in this business.

Do I have sour grapes? Ahhh…maybe lol. I have just seen this time and time again. I’m just telling what has worked for me and it doesn’t that many buyers to make you good money.

On to the next investor.

My two cents,


I agree with gordo.

There are plenty of other investors who will do a deal with you. Find them! Remember a double close (Or back to back close) is basically two transactions where you buy and sell quickly. Your buyer can look up how much you paid originally by the tax records and some states have it online so all you need is an address and possibly a parcel number. Once they find out how much you paid for it people like that will feel misled and you will get a letter to appear in court.

The best lawsuit to be in is not one at all!

Good to meet everyone…

As far a letters to appear in court; I am a flipper where the difference is thousands and I have yet to get a letter… What one pays for something isnt relevant to the price we offer it at unless you over paid and cant sell.

In fact I share with people what I am going to make if they ask…

Good house hunting…
