Assigning contracts- Who will buy them???

Can someone from a small town REALLY make this whole “assigning contracts” thing work??
I called the “we buy houses” ads. They don’t know what I’m talking about when I speak of assigning contracts. And furthermore, since most of them that I have found just pass on the lead to other investors, It could take months for a sale to happen (which would most likely cause my contract to expire).
Putting an ad in the paper I have not tried, but I figure that I need a pretty serious and extensive buyers list to make this work. Not just a few small town investors that might buy once every few years…
Anybody from a small town Making it work,and if so HOW??? THAnk you so much…

I’m originally from a small town and it seems more people in small towns pay attention to the local news and local paper. If you find a good deal, I think it would be worth putting it under contract and running an ad in the paper - “Handyman special” and see what happens.

I’m also interested in hearing from anyone who is making it work in a small town.

While I am not from a small town, I have to think that people are greedy no matter where they live. There’s certainly someone out there willing to look at your deals.

It sounds like the “we buy houses” numbers that you called were lead generating services, not actual buyers. Your first question should be, “Do you actually buy houses, or are you a lead service?” If it’s a lead service, just say thanks and hang up.

An ad in the paper sounds like a great idea, especially in a small town where a higher percentage of the population probaby reads it AND it’s cheap.

Other options…

  1. Drive around and look for houses that are being renovated. See if you can find out if the owner occupies the property or if it’s an investor. Also, find out if the guy who owns the contracting company might be interested in buying a fixer.

  2. Look for listings that say “recently renovated” and then, again, track down the owner. Let the owner know that you’re not interested in buying the house, but are they interested in buying other fixers?

  3. You could also look for Realtors who work with investors and explain to them that you would like to wholesale your deals to their clients. They won’t get paid for introducing you to their clients (not allowed), BUT they are likely going to get the listing when the house is renovated AND they will have shown value to their clients by helping to bring deals.

  4. You could also talk to mortgage brokers and ask them if they know of investors who would like to look at fixers. Ditto for hard money lenders…

Get creative…think about where you can find people who are known to buy property.