assemb. the RE "team" as a wholesaler

I’m starting to birddog to get my feet wet - my next step. . . looking down the line. . . is to assemble the RE team I’ll need as a wholesaler/investor consisting of : money sources, general contractors (I’ll be starting out using those as I have no rehab experience), home inspectors, accountant/tax advisor, real estate attorney, and real estate agents. I want to develop a business plan to present to potential money lenders/investors.

Does anyone have any advice as to how to go about doing this? I have an email in to my local REI club contact person but have not heard from him yet. I don’t want to put the cart before the horse - as excited as I am to get going NOW, I want to have the above in place before looking for properties. Does this make sense?

Lastly, should I go ahead an incorporate myself from the get go? I want to have business cards, flyers, a website, possible bandit signs, advertising in the paper, car decals, etc. I am not opposed to putting in a minimal investment out of my current lean savings to get all this together. As for incorporation - is anyone incorporated in Delaware or Nevada that does not live there for RE wholesaler purposes? I have heard there are advantages to this. I am based in Maryland.

Sorry if these questions are redudant, but I"m hoping that someone out there can give me what they think is the best place to start.

Thank you!