This is my first post, I arrived here on advice of my sister… I am helping my mother out with her apartment building… 16 units, one and two bedrooms… $790 - $900… in Park Heights, Baltimore.
I have no idea where to begin marketing the apartments!
Well… I initially began with Craigslist, which booted my ads off every other day and took way too much time managing. Yesterday, I tried… paid the very expensive fee of $150, and so far no bites…
How do people in this price range look for apartments in Baltimore?
Thank you so much, and I hope to find a warm and active community of real estate investors!
Can’t imagine why Craigslist would flag a normal, authentic for-rent posting. Any idea why they’re being flagged?
I live in the DC area and here’s what I do: go to and create a flyer. Not only does it blast the rental listing out to over a dozen classified sites for you, it also gives you the HTML code to copy & paste into Craigslist. This creates a beautiful listing, plus it’s free for like 5 flyers or something like that.
Are you trying to rent the apartments, or sell the building?
On Craigslist, you can not put anything illegal in your ads, nor insult any sensitive people.
Also, you are only allowed to post an ad once and you can only renew it every 3rd day.
There should not be any problem with posting a legally written ad for apartments for rent.
Craigslist is the best bet for a free ad. Most tenants look on Craigslist. You can pay for an ad in the classified section of your local newspaper. Also, have a professional looking apartment for rent sign on the outside of the building.
We’ve had good success leaving a display ad in the Thrifty Nickel / PennySaver every month. It’s relatively inexpensive if you keep it in every month. After a while, people get used to seeing the ad and call us. It was good for about four calls per week on a 30 unit building.