I am trying to figure out which web sites to use to advertise my rental house located near Orlando, FL. Has anyone had experience with the numerous “for rent” sites such as Yahoo classifieds, rent.com, etc? I would appreciate any suggestions.
Thanks much.
In San Diego, Craig’s List is a good place to advertise. I posted a link on Craig’s back to a website that I set-up for my property. I also have signs on the property with the web address on them.
I just listed a duplex apartment for rent in the Lancaster, NY area. I used Craigslist and Google Base (http://base.google.com).
4 responses (legit ones) in 4 hours from Craigslist. Nothing from Google Base. I am sure that Craigslist gets a better response when it is fresh but I thought the response was pretty amazing. One additional response came on day 2.
Five good rental prospects in 2 days for a total cost of $0.00!