I just spoke to someone that does forensic loan audits. They basically review the details of the original loan and search for any violations against the borrowers, such as over-stated income, assets, etc.
If they find violations, they can pursue litigation against the lender to either forgive the homeowner for debt, reduce principal, rates, or in extreme cases… remove the lien entirely and have the homeowner own the home outright (extreme cases according to him).
I’m considering using this service. I have an excellent short sale approval right now, but it is only a lien release and not a forgiveness of debt. This was a $430k loan given to a 22yr old, 100% financed… and a few months later he got another loan for $550k, 100% financed. The $550k loan already went into foreclosure.
If I can have them do an audit, find some violations, have an attorney send a letter to the lender stating that if they don’t forgive the homeowner for the underlying debt… then we will pursue litigation, then maybe they’ll agree to debt forgiveness along with the lien release?
What are some thoughts on this type of audit?