anyone do short sales in Texas


Is there anyone out there that does short sales in Texas? How are you getting around lenders not wanting to see assignment clauses?

Also how are you finding cash buyers?

Hi Finally, I am in Houston. There is no way to assign short sales. One way to get around this is to have an investor pay you for the deal when it closes. We have wholesalers send us deals, we negotiate the short sale and pay the wholesaler a percentage of our profit.

There are a lot of ways to find cash buyers but one that has worked well for me is putting out bandit signs that say something generic like Investor Special, 3/2… You will be suprised how many calls you get.

Feel free to contact me anytime


The lady I have been working with(3yrs) name is tiffany and shes greattttt.

Speaking of assigning short sales, or rahter not beaing able to assign short sales. I listened to a teaser seminar about assigning contracts and getting around the assignment clause, It went by to quick for me to get the specifics but it involved something along the lines of “vesting to be determined at closing”

anyone familiar with this as it relates to assignment and how it works?

I just came upon this from 2005: