I was approached from a bandit sign of mine on a property in Sarasota, FL and after discussing the property I convinced him to send me the financials (this is of course without doing my own due diligence) but want to see if I am on the right track.
Based on my findings there is absolutely NO way this will work at the current price and seems to be a terrible deal in which I will run away as fast as possible. This exercise is more for my own knowledge and practice.
Average CAP Rate in Sarasota is 7%, $400k asking price, 6 units
Two - Studio renting at $565
Three - 2 Bed/1 Bath renting at $800
One - 2 Bed/2 Bath renting at $850
The owner actually sent me his 2009 Schedule E Taxes, so this is what was listed on it: (I did not factor in Vacancy rate estimation as I figured these are actual numbers) (Based on full occupancy the GOI would be $52,560 (6 units @ rents = )
GOI: $34,138
(Insurance $1,852)
(Legal/Other $435)
(Repairs $7473)
(Supplies $2037)
(Taxes $4974)
(Utilities $8571) - this is a big negative for me
= $25,342
NOI $8,796
Cap Rate = 8,796/$400k (asking price) = 2.1%
GRM = $400k / $34,138 = 11.7
ROI = Down Payment/NOI
$100,000 (25% of $400k) / $8,796 = 11.7 years
Market Value = NOI/Average Cap Rate
$8796/.07 = $ 61,572 (?)
DCR = NOI / Annual Debt Payments (Assume 6.5% interest, 30 yr = $1,896.20 X 12) - No way a bank would even loan based on DCR
$8,796 / $22,754.40 = .38
Using the same above example - this time I will do a pro forma 2011 (assuming 2009 was a bad time in the market)
GOI $52,560
(Vacancy 10% = $5,256)
(OP Expenses = $25,908 (estimating around 50% of GOI)
= $21,396 (NOI)
Cap Rate = NOI / Asking Price
$21,396 / $400,000 = 5.3%
GRM = Mrkt Price / GOI
$400,000 / $52,560 = 7.6
7.6 X $21,396 = $1,626,096 (this can’t be right?)
Another form of MV calculation:
MV = NOI / Average Cap Rate
$21,396 / .07 = $305,657
ROI = NOI / Down Payment (this is ROI based on MY initial investment) - not paying for property
$21,396 / $100,000 = 4.6 yrs
DCR = NOI / Annual Debt Payments
$21,396 / $22,754.40 = .94 (again a bank will not even consider a loan on this)
Let me know your thoughts and if there’s things I may have missed, etc. This is for my own practice, obviously all signs point to no chance on this one and run away as fast as humanely possible. However, wanted to get some other sets of eyes on it and see if I am on track, close, etc.
Thanks much!