Any contractor horror stories? LOVE TO HEAR EM!

Just reading the post about how to find good contractors and thought I would start a thread about any good stories about bad contractors.

When I was doing this part time I hired a maintenance man at an apartment complex that I used to work at. I knew he did shotty work because I saw it at work everyday but decided to hire him because he was cheap! Well… he stayed true to himself by doing shotty work at my flip, then he tried to overcharge the crap at out me! At this point I didn’t use contracts and went on verbal agreements. I showed up one warm Saturday afternoon to find this big fat stinky tattooed guy with a paintbrush in one hand and a beer in the other! The maintenance guy had hired somebody else to do the work for him. Blew me away but taught me alot.

The crew we use now are fantastic. Fair price, excellent work, and usually in a timely manner. Every once in a while they get a day or two behind, but we leave ourselves extra days because we know that’s how they work sometimes.

Love to hear the stories guys and gals! :beer