Are any of you investors also certified home inspectors? If so, has it made a difference in your investing experience? I ask because I am interested in the inspection field and I am considering getting a state certification, doing inspections, and on the side, wholesaling. As the wholesaling picks up, I would like to eventually being doing it most of the time. How does this sound for a plan?

It’ll surely help, you’ll learn what to look for when estimating repairs, but it’s definitely an art and not a science. 5 different inspectors will come up with 5 different things more often than not.

If you wanna be an inspector that’s fine but if you’re doing it just to be a better wholesaler save yourself the time & money…the challenge with wholesaling is finding the deals, not estimating repairs. You’ll never be spot-on with estimates, nor do you need to be. But you must be good at finding good deals and cash buyers.

Home inspectors generally don’t estimate repairs.

Well that’s about the only thing a prospective wholesaler would get out of being a home inspector…which is the ability to determine what components needs fixing/replacing in an effort to estimate repairs.