Another Obama Socialist Shows Her Stripes

Former ACORN head Bertha Lewis says “Any of these groups that says, “I’m young, I’m Democratic, and I’m a socialist,” is okay with me. You know that’s no light thing to do – to actually say, I’m a socialist.”

Yep, ONE MORE socialist with connections to Obama has come out.

Read more at the Washington Examiner:

If you don’t have anything then you don’t care what kind of country you live in. Socialist, capitalist, communist. You just want the one that will give you the most.

That is why it is important that our leaders be people with knowledge but mostly skin in the game. I really would prefer for the economic decisions be made by a person that managed a multimillion dollar portfolio instead of a hockeymom. The economy is too complex to be solved by “common sense solutions”. That is the main problem I have with Palin. But I have the same problem with Shelia Jackson Lee, Obama and Biden. I would rather have someone like Geitner or Kenneth Chenault run the country but sever him from his investments so he doesn’t know if he makes money or loses money on his decisions and pay him based on the country’s performance so his actions will benefit the country.

I have to say I don’t think Tim “I forgot to pay my taxes” Geithner wouldn’t be a good candidate for running the country.
Someone with some fiscal sense about income and expenses would be nice though. We can agree on that.

You are so right Justin. That is what makes it difficult. There are people that I like their character better but the problem is you have to get the character and the skills in one person. That is difficult to do. I think Palin has better values but she is dumb as a box of rocks. Geitner has better knowledge but I would not let him pet sit my pet snail.

We get people to run our companies because of their skill set not their morals.

I’m almost to the point now where I’d just be happy to set the Dem/Repub thing aside and just get someone in there that will fix our country’s balance sheet. If we don’t get that fixed, all the other crap isn’t going to matter one way or another.
Someone the other day mentioned how Mayor Bloomberg turned around the finances in NYC. What if a president’s major focus was getting our country out of debt rather than other political driven motives?

I heard an great concept,I think it was by Neal Boortz.He said let’s take away the (D),(R),(I) on
the voting ballets.This would make the zombies(which is alot these days)research into the person and
their record/background instead of the “party” endorsing AKA telling the zombies “this is a good guy”.

I say take this even further,take away their party mark in interviews also.We need to get back to researching our elected officials,after all it is a job interview is’nt it. We would’nt blindly hire someone a “group” told us was the right guy,would you??Same thing since these people work off of your taxes.

My memory is vague,I don’t know if it was a concept or actually proposed by an official.It seems it was proposed and shot down by the Democrats.Don’t doubt that,but I’m not certain on it.

I def. concur…

I never can understand why there has to be this constant conflict between D & Rep.

Each person should be evaluated for their past histiry and future goals…

Politics in this country is no different than any other of the hundreds of gangs…it dont matter if a gang member is justified in his actions or out of place…if your a blood, or a cript…you back up your fellow homies no matter what…

it seems in politics…no matter what Obama does (whether it be a good move or a bad one—and he has done both)…a republican is going to disagree and hate Obama reagardless of his decision…because a republican sticks to their own just like crips & bloods

same goes for the democrats…

can’t we just all get along…and work together as a team to reach one common goal of unioting a country together to prosper???

I'm almost to the point now where I'd just be happy to set the Dem/Repub thing aside and just get someone in there that will fix our country's balance sheet.

Where is Ross Perot when you need him? :cool

can't we just all get along...and work together as a team to reach one common goal of unioting a country together to prosper???

Obama’s goal is NOT to unite the country or for the country to prosper. Obama is following the Cloward and Piven strategy to destroy the country so that it can be remade under a socialist/communist/marxist system (all the same in practical terms). If you really want to know what The Chosen One is up to, you’ve got to read the writings of the people who he has chosen to advise him (communists/socialists/marxists like Van Jones, Anita Dunn, Jim Wallace, etc). In addition, it would be helpful to understand the philosophy of Saul Alinsky, whose radical socialist/marxist/communist teachings Obama is following and has actually taught.

Here’s a link to a free book that explains Saul Alinsky; his WAR on capitalism; and how Alinsky’s “rules for radicals” are being followed by Obama and his advisors. Better yet, read Alinsky’s book “Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals” and hear it directly from Alinsky.

Here’s the link:


It’s a shame the evidence was there all along on Obama and his agenda.But he captivated america by running against Washington politics,which is what we’re all agreeing on here is corrupt.And to add the 80% of america that agrees.But I beleive now that his actions prove what you and I knew(or actually bothered to research into a candidate),his mask is off for all to see.In the end,he’ll be the evidence against himself and the demonstration that some of the zombies must have to see that he’s bad,REAL REAL BAD.The Democrats can’t hide his off prompter Rev Wright anger towards america(which is coming out more and more daily).

I just wish there was a stiff way to punish politicians who rob society of millions.This healthcare bill will make Madoff seem harmless,and he’s in jail.If politicians knew there was a penalty they would have to think more seriously before robbing us.Right now it’s a right to steal with absolutly nothing to stop them.

Chomsky Warns of Rise of the Far Right in the U.S.

Recent research from the New York Times / CBS News poll revealed that 18% of Americans identify themselves as supporters of the Tea Party, classify themselves “very conservative” and are very pessimistic about the direction of the country and severely critical of Washington and, of course, Obama. Over 90% of them believe that the country moves to a wrong path and the same percentage disapproves of the president and his administration policy. Already 92% of respondents estimated that Obama leads the country “toward socialism” (an opinion shared by more than half the population in general).

Moreover, the expressions of popular right-wing anger are registered when referencing more hate crimes, a rise of radical right-wing groups, as well as unofficial reports of a growing number of death threats against the president. Public safety agencies have raised the alert status for what is called “domestic terrorism.”

Incidents were reported, several under investigation, of acts of intimidation against congressmen and other elected officials. Earlier this month, more than 30 governors received letters from an anti-government, ultra-conservative group who demanded their resignation in a period of three days (although there was no threat of violence), which meant that federal authorities have warned local police that the letters could lead to violent behavior. As such, there are more examples throughout the country.

The wave of disillusionment with the government and its rulers causes concern among some politicians who do not know what impact this might have on the elections of next November. But for others the issue is more alarming.

“It’s very similar to Weimar Germany, the parallels are striking.” Here, too, there is a tremendous disappointment with the parliamentary system, pointed Chomsky interviewing on Truthdig.

“The United States is very lucky that no honest and charismatic figure has appeared, and if this were to happen this country would be in real trouble for the frustration, disillusionment and the justified anger combined with the absence of a coherent response,” he concludes.

In Germany, he recalls, an enemy was created to explain the crisis which was the Jew. “Here they are the illegal immigrants and blacks. We will say that white men are a persecuted minority. We will say that we must uphold and defend the honor of the nation. Military force will be exalted. There will be blows. This could be converted into an undeniable force. And if it takes place, it will be more dangerous than Nazi Germany. The United States is a world power … I do not believe that this is far from happening,” he says.

I agree with most of the article posted by Rookie, except for 2 things:

  1. 28% of the American public identify themselves with the tea parties - not 18%!!!

  2. The enemy in the USA is not “illegal immigrants and blacks”. That’s ridiculous. The enemy are the socialists/communists/marxists that are destroying the country with the entitlement system. More simply, Obama is setting up conflict between those that work and the lazy deadbeats that mouch off the entitlement system.

[[[[…This would make the zombies(which is a lot these days)research into the person and their record/background …]]]]

John Q Average Voter will research candidates as soon as all the information he needs is handed out on a tiny slip of paper inside a fortune cookie at the McDonald’s drive through window.


Too true,sad but true.I recently was asked my thoughts on the current political climate by some friends and I said “If people were paying as much attention to govt and laws being passed as Amercian Idol we would’nt have these crooks ruining the country”.Needless to say shortly after that the conversation turned to American Idol,sports,racing,etc. I just observed in amazement at how brainwashed america is.

And I was very proud to be able to contribute nothing to that turn in conversation since I don’t pay attention to BS.I just asked them how does any of that or who won a race or sports game effect your life/future??Well the thing I’m alert in drastically effects my future, my business and prepares me for effects of laws beforehand.I treat govt as the employees they are,and while I may trust them sometimes,I’ll watch them at all times.The same way we run our business,right??