Another Global Warming Confession!

Professor Phil Jones confessed that the Data for the infamous ‘hockey stick graph’ has gone missing; there has been no global warming since 1995; and that the world may have been warmer in medieval times than it is today. TRANSLATION: HE’S A FAKE; THE DATA WAS FAKED; and GLOBAL WARMING IS JUST THE LATEST SOCIALIST SCAM! This scumbag and the rest of the perpetrators of this scam should be in prison for defrauding the world and attempting to extort us out of hundreds of billions of our hard earned dollars!

59 ‘stinking’ degrees in South Florida today! Thanks, Gore for another global warming lie! What is really chilling is that he earned a share of the Nobel Peace Prize and pocketed $500k to buy groceries!!! All under the guise of politics…how sad is this!!!


So you base your disbelief in Global Warming on one scientist’s records who admits to “sloppy record keeping.”

But I keep encountering factual stories that DON’T pooh-pooh global warming. They just report the facts.

I just happened to read a long article in THE NEW YORKER magazine, December 21-28, 2009 titled “The Ice Retreat” by Fen Montaigne. It’s about global warming and the decrease in numbers of the Adelie penguin, the classic tuxedoed Antarctica penguin.

Colonies that held thousands of Adelie penguins, documented by their bones since at least the sixteenth century, are dying out.

This is scary stuff.

The article states–“the northwestern Antarctic Peninsula has heated up faster than almost any other place on earth… From 1951 to the present, the average annual air temperature in the region has increased by nearly five degrees. Winter temperatures have soared about eleven degrees over the past six decades–five times the global average.”

Two main culprits in the decline of the penguins have been identified-- the steady loss of sea ice, and the related increase in snowfall, which is not good for penguin feeding and brooding.

The author ended with a quote from the penguin researcher, Fraser: “Here you have this unbelievably tough little animal, able to deal with anything, succumbing to the large-scale effect of our activities.”

“It’s such a long-distance effect. The industrial nations to the north are having an impact that Adelies are being subjected to down here…these incredible animals have to take it in the neck because a bunch of humans can’t get together to decide what to do about the planet”.

This species has fallen out of sync with its environment. Because the environment is changing not over hundreds of years, but over just a few decades. It is becoming catastrophic to the Adelie penguin in the researched areas of Antarctica.

This is a factual report that worries me. Not the politicized discounting of a British scientist.


This stuff drives me nuts…


It’s TORTURE…PLAIN and SIMPLE…But our sh*thead politicians can’t come out and CALL IT torture so they name it…


It’s TORTURE…For anyone that doubts that…TRY IT!! It’s amazingly simple…Lay down on an inclined board, have someone hold a towel over your face, then have another person pour water from a container into your mouth and nose…YOU’RE DROWNING!!!

Call it what it IS…Then USE IT on those SCUM BAGS blowing up our kids over seas…I could care less…Pull their finger mails out if it saves ONE U.S. soldier…It’s been done to OUR prisoners for GENERATIONS.

Just don’t INSULT my intelligence.

Global Warming…

Gee…Let me think???

Could BURNING OIL for 100 YEARS at rates NEVER BEFORE SEEN in the planets HISTORY cause the TEMP to RISE on EARTH???

I’m WACKY…But I say YES!!!

Would finding OTHER ways to produce POWER (since we’re running out of OIL anyway) probably be a GOOD IDEA???

I’m WACKY…But I say YES!!!



Possibly…C L I M A T E C H A N G E!!!

There…Don’t you just feel better already???

Honey…I’m going down stairs to practice my enhanced interrogation!!

I just happened to read a long article in THE NEW YORKER magazine, December 21-28, 2009 titled "The Ice Retreat" by Fen Montaigne. It's about global warming and the decrease in numbers of the Adelie penguin, the classic tuxedoed Antarctica penguin.

Colonies that held thousands of Adelie penguins, documented by their bones since at least the sixteenth century, are dying out.

This is scary stuff.

Yeah - that’s scary alright. I had a tear in my eye when I heard the polar bears were going extinct. Of course, that was until I learned that the polar bear story WAS A LIE! I also felt bad that the oceans were rapidly rising until I went to Hilton Head and saw for myself that the oceans aren’t rising at all! I cried like a baby when I heard that a minnow in California was endangered until I found out that the wackos shut off the irrigation in some of Americas best farm land and ruined the lives of thousands of people. When I heard that the glaciers in the Himalayan Mountains were going to disappear by 2035, I booked a flight so that I could see these natural wonders before they were gone. Then I really cried when I found out that this was another lie and that my airfare was non-refundable. I felt sad and depressed that temperatures were rising and that Ohio would soon be so warm that we wouldn’t have any snow in the winter - UNTIL WE HAD RECORD COLD AND SNOWFALL FOR THE WINTER!

After all that, I thought I better determine for myself whether Global Warming was real or not, so I went looking for the data - ONLY TO FIND OUT THAT THE “SCIENTISTS” SHREDDED IT!!! GLOBAL WARMING IS A SCAM AND AL GORE IS A FAKE - CASE CLOSED! (but I’m sure glad he invented the internet)

I don’t know where you get your information, but I read the New Yorker sometimes mainly for the jokes.

It’s a very credible magazine. I was surprised to find such a long and well-documented environmental article there. I trust the veracity.

If you are getting your info. off the internet, any kind of junk can be posted there. You are gullible if you believe it because it fits your political views.

But you can believe that the temperatures in northwestern Antarctica have gone up so much that long-standing Adelie penguin colonies have died out. Thousands of them gone. This is a scientific fact. That canary in the mine is gasping.


The big problem that us Right-Wing extreamists (sarcasm) have is this FO…

It seems as almost all the information supporting Global Warming is coming from Left-Wing wackjobs.

I GAURANTEE you that Mike would be willing to listen to the Global Warming arguement seriously if it wasnt coming from somebody who seemed to have a agenda behind them, which is simply government control, and they want it no matter how they can get it. Fear-mongering people to believe in Global Warming (which is why they are faking some statistics) is just the tool they are using to get more control.

As jake said, it MAY be real, it may not, but STOP FAKING STATISTICS for your political agenda (more government control) is what we want.

Now what kind of political agenda does a penguin researcher have? None. If there were growth in penguin numbers they would just be reporting that.

Now they have found out that the much higher temperatures have caused the sea ice to shrink drastically, affecting penguin access to krill, their food. And the warmer temperature caused more snow, which buried their chicks and made it hard to raise them. Thousands died, whole rookeries gone.

No fake statistics, just facts. I don’t have any desire for global warming or government control. I am just reporting on the first scientific article I have read on Antarctic warming, not arctic warming.

Every time you don’t like the information, you name-call the messenger. It’s a bad habit, Hoosier.


I never called you anything FO…

What makes you think what they print in newspapers has anymore credibility than the internet. I f the global warming scientists said the planet wasn’t warming wouldn’t they be looking for work.

gary cote,
The NEW YORKER is a magazine, not a newspaper. It has a high reputation for truthful verefiable reporting over many decades. Unlike the internet where anyone can post anything.

Who are the “global warming scientists” you mentioned who would be out of work?! Why? You think a penguin researcher would lose his job if he didn’t report rising temperatures in the Antarctic?

Maybe you never studied the “scientific method” in school. Maybe you’ve never read a scientific journal. No scientist that I’ve ever met would risk his/her career, reputation, livelihood and personal honor system by falsifying data.


do you think the new yorker is getting their data from the scientist that were jockeying numbers to make the global warming claim? I am not saying the planet isn’t warming up but this won’t be the first time it happened. And many years ago they didnt have us to pump c02 into the atmosphere.


I admit that I’m not a scientist (and I didn’t invent the internet), but one of the first things they taught us in school was “DON’T DESTROY YOUR DATA”. When these climate scientists were asked (via FOI request) for the data - THEY SHREDDED IT! It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to understand that they are FAKES! Manmade global warming is a SCAM!

Furthermore, we were in a mini ice age until the mid 1800’s. Naturally, we’ve warmed since then or we would still be in a mini ice age. I think that these global warming socialist scammers are the most arrogant people on the planet. Who are they to decide what the global temperature should be or what is acceptable? What really ticks me off is that none of you environmental wackos will even tell us what temperature you’re shooting for!!! Think of how many cute species of cute little animals must have died when the mini ice age ended. I vote we bring back the ice age. Come to think of it, if this winter is any indication, we’re already off to a good start!

You keep basing your disbelief in global warming on 1 bunch of British scientists who were sloppy and/or inappropriate in maintaining their data. You keep asking “What is the right world temperature?”

That question is too simplistic to answer. There are many temperatures! But the trend is ever upward in diverse regions.

THOUSANDS of scientists worldwide have now done HUNDREDS of studies documenting changes in species or ecosystems that may be attributed to climate change.

I am now quoting SCIENCE ILLUSTRATED, Jan. Feb 2010:

Pikas in heat shock, six or seven of 25 populations have disappeared since 2003.

As temperatures rise, mountain pine beetles life cycle speeds up.( As you saw on the Olympics, they have destroyed whole forests in British Columbia.)

Declining sea ice as affecting the remaining 25,000 Arctic polar bears as ice is breaking up 3 weeks earlier in Canada. (They eat 80% of their seal pup diet in the spring).

North African finches and some butterflies have moved 155 miles north into Spain.

Spring in Europe is coming earlier each decade, now 11 days early.

Tropical coral reefs and amphibians have suffered the biggest decline in numbers.

The IPCC concluded “with very high confidence” that humans are contributing to global warming mainly through an increase in greenhouse-gas emissions. THIS IS A FACT, NOT A THEORY.

We are going to LOSE many species to extinction, the ones that can not acclimate quickly to decreased habitat or food supply.

I read NATURE, SCIENCE NEWS, the above magazine and sometimes DISCOVER and NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC.

This is serious, folks. This is already impacting us. If we can slow down this man-fueled temperature rise, we will have a higher quality of life.


The IPCC concluded "with very high confidence" that humans are contributing to global warming mainly through an increase in greenhouse-gas emissions. THIS IS A FACT, NOT A THEORY.


I don’t know if you’re just playing the good little socialist or if you truly don’t know what is going on with the IPCC. The only thing that’s factual with the IPCC is that they doctored data (and flat out made things up) to suit their political purposes. I suggest that you google IPCC Scandals and read some of the articles for yourself. At least, get the information and don’t delude yourself into believing something that has already been shown to be a scam.


I am a global warming skeptic, and here is what I read when I see articles like the one that you just posted quotes from.

The article states–“the northwestern Antarctic Peninsula has heated up faster than almost any other place on earth… From 1951 to the present, the average annual air temperature in the region has increased by nearly five degrees. Winter temperatures have soared about eleven degrees over the past six decades–five times the global average.”

Here is a scientist with a particular study area that is extrapolating and comparing local data with the “well known global concensus” that the warming is happening. Much of the basis for these claims is founded in studies that are now being questioned and in some cases proven to wrong. Other subsequent studies used these studies as a basis to start from to prove something that many of them wanted to believe anyway.
What I see in the global warming arena is scientist that are looking at data with an objective in mind. Not impartially.

[b][/b]The author ended with a quote from the penguin researcher, Fraser: “Here you have this unbelievably tough little animal, able to deal with anything, succumbing to the large-scale effect of our activities.”

The unsupported assumption here is that it is due to our activities. Why?

“It’s such a long-distance effect. The industrial nations to the north are having an impact that Adelies are being subjected to down here…these incredible animals have to take it in the neck because a bunch of humans can’t get together to decide what to do about the planet”.

Again, by his own quote, he seems to have an ax to grind. I don’t see proof of why it is our fault, I just see a scientist that has an emotional and biased look at the area that he studies. The earth has never stayed in stasis. Ocean currents change, warming and cooling happen. We all know this, But it is a long way from convincing proof for me to believe that it is largely manmade. And then it really does raise eyebrows to learn that some of the science at the base of the theories that support this have very serious credibility problems.

My two cents from a skeptics point of view,


Okay, db, point well taken. I agree that researcher was extrapolating out of his area of expertise.

It’s nice to have an online critique without being called a left-wing wacko.

It just seems to me that I am encountering more and more studies and reports from researchers, in their own little arcane areas, that say the same things: The climate is warming faster than we have ever recorded it before, and it is having a huge impact on the ecosystem here.

If this excessively fast change is the result of man-made activity, we must mitigate it. As quickly as possible. Otherwise we risk boiling the frog. Which is our earth as we once knew it.



If the data supported the conclusion that the earth was rapidly warming, WHY DID THEY SHRED IT? If the data was valid, these “scientists” would be pushing it in our face - not shredding it. An the scandal isn’t just in England, it’s world wide, including right here in the USA! IT’S A SCAM!

So all the oceanographers, biologists, entomologists, hydrologists, zoologists, microbiologists, agronomists, etc., etc. world-wide are conspiring TOGETHER.

They are slanting their studies and research to show global warming! If they don’t like their results, they SHRED them!

Thanks for enlightening us on this massive global conspiracy. But how did they talk the over-wintering birds out of their usual migration? How did those scientists push Spring forward in Europe? How did they get all that ice to melt instead of sticking around?

This vast conspiracy involves not just thousands of international scientists, even other species and life forms are obviously in on it!

Huh, they can fool some of us some of the time, but not all of us all of the time. Propertymanager has found you out.


So all the oceanographers, biologists, entomologists, hydrologists, zoologists, microbiologists, agronomists, etc., etc. world-wide are conspiring TOGETHER.

They are slanting their studies and research to show global warming! If they don’t like their results, they SHRED them!

You CLEARLY don’t understand how this global warming scandal works. I have posted a link to an article that explains how it works in some detail. PLEASE read it and at least make an attempt to understand what’s happened. The people at the top of the global warming SCAM, THE VERY PEOPLE WHO HOLD THE UN’S GLOBAL WARMING DATA, were CAUGHT faking the data (and have admitted as much). When asked through a Freedom of Information Act request to produce the data, they SHREDDED IT, instead of producing it. Professor Philip Jones, the CRU’s director, who is in charge of the two key sets of data used by the IPCC to draw up its reports, has resigned in shame. Let’s try that again, THE MAN WHO IS IN CHARGE OF THE TWO KEY SETS OF DATA USED BY THE UN’S IPCC TO DRAW UP ITS REPORTS HAD TO RESIGN IN SHAME. Key people may even face criminal charges in connection with their destruction of the data.

The “scientists” (criminals) who were responsible for collecting and interpreting the data from “all the oceanographers, biologists, entomologists, hydrologists, zoologists, microbiologists, agronomists, etc., etc. world-wide” were caught faking the data and then shredded it instead of producing the data.

I know that you WANT man-made global warming to be real - but WAKE UP! It’s a scam - plain and simple. The criminals have been caught! They should spend the rest of their lives in prison for their crimes against humanity. As I’ve been saying all along, this isn’t about global warming - it’s about control. The socialists wanted to use global warming as an excuse to take over more of the country and exert further control worldwide. They ALMOST succeeded!!!