I need an old fashion but original AMORTIZATION CHART so that when I am considering making an offer on a property I can determine my payments. Todays Real Estate community(@ least those I’ve com into contact with) and ONLINE sources will tell you that you can get a “free table” but they do not. Todays system(online) especially is designed to capture your information and give control of the offer making process over to the site. with the table I maintain control over the situation because I am able to make an offer based upon my converstiions to determine the needs of the seller as well as what I can afford to offer based upon MY financial situation as well. If I’m not mistakeing, I learned about these charts from Carlton Sheets. I need another table/chart. Can anyone be of assistance in helping me get such a table? I’d appreciate it/ Thank You/

I have no idea what “old fashion” means.

It’s either an amortization chart, or it’s not.

Go here:!1325!3!41196398888!e!!g!!amortization+chart&ef_id=Ux3mFwAAAeWyBbHr%3A20141005203254%3As

Or here:

still need one? send me an email or PM.

For $30, you can have a Texas Instrument BA II Plus and calculate any amortization you need on the spot. I’ve used and worn out several of these calculators over the years and made plenty by knowing how to calculate mortgages, notes, cash flows, yields, discounts, etc.

Hope this helps.
