what are the benefits of having alotta investor activity in your target market?
if there is a lot of investor activity in your area all that means is there are a lot of deals. if you are scared of competition then you’re looking at it from a scarcity mentality, ironically at a time with there’s more distressed houses and sellers out there than ever before.
just 10 deals a year will change most people’s life. if you look at it from that perspective you don’t need to “dominate your market” or anything like that…just get your 10.
well that is exactly my situation, and exactly what i needed to hear NSU. newbie concerns i tell ya lol onward, forward →
Thanks for the question Budd650. Yes, having a lot of investors is a great thing.
I would even expand on nsu1997 and say that just a single deal can really help most people. I had a friend who told me that many families could avoid bankruptcy with just $500 more per month. I am not sure where that number came from, but if you think about that… doing a single wholesale deal and netting $5K could be a HUGE help for almost a year.
Focus on helping your fellow man… be a force for good. What can you do to help the seller and their situation? What can you do to help your fellow wholesalers or owner occupants? Often it is OK to say to sellers or buyers, “I am not sure I’d be a good solution for you, but here’s what I would do if I were in your situation…” and be truly helpful and of service.
just get out there and make it happen more and more deals are being created outta thin air every day… so dont think theres only a certain amount of deals for the whole year…deals are created they’re not just a made deal from beginnin