Agent listed REOs

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What are everyone’s ideas on agent listed REOs? Are they worth trying offers lower than their listed sales price, or are they just a waste of time? Also, would agents agree to a lower price if I purchased 2 houses from them? I see prices listed and some seem alright, but not the kind of discounts I am looking for…


Just like any other listing - just put in your offer and wait. It all depends on their level of motivation, repairs, days on the market, price, was it a short sale, market conditions surrounding the property etc. If you use a Buyer agent they should be able to help. I put in offers at 55% depending on the criteria of the home and sometimes they accept. You never know unless you try :slight_smile:

Do I have to use an agent to submit a bid to an REO agent? Am I gaining anything by not using one or losing too much?

It can go either way really. I would suggest using one but find one that will work and fight for what you want.


Agents do not agree to prices and do not accept or reject offers. The sellers the agents represent do that. Does not matter how many properties an agent may have listed for sale, each one may be owned by a different seller.

If there is a listed property and you are making a lowball offer, the listing agent may be more enthusiastic about getting the seller to accept your offer since the agent won’t have to share the commission.

If you are not that experienced in purchase contracts, better to have your own agent represent you. Your own agent will advise you on the things you need to put in your purchase offer to protect you.