Adverse Possession of Parking Lot Spaces?

We lease a triplex property from my niece. She purchased it 2 years ago from a beekeeper who lived there many years. During the beekeeper’s ownership he allowed the neighbor to park on the large parking adjacent to the houses over several years.

When my niece bought it she told the neighbor she preferred that they don’t park there. Then she moved. Now the neighbor is parking a couple of vehicles there everyday.

This neighbor is difficult to talk to, being an aggressive Christian minister who demands that others pray with him whether they want to or not. He just hung political posters on my niece’s fence and was angry when we knocked on his door and handed them back to him. (Also not for the candidates of our choice!).

I am worried that he has attained some sort of adverse possession parking right or is working on it. He has a big gravel apron in front of his house and does not need to park on my niece’s adjacent property.

Have any of you dealt with a situation like this? Any recommendations?
There was nothing in the title report about deeded parking permission to the best of my knowledge.


If he had permission, there is no adverse possession. If there is nothing in the deed, he has no rights. You can deal with it however you want within the law.


He does not have permission from my niece and yet he has taken to parking there, so it is adverse.

If we send him a letter: “Please do not park on the lot!” and he does it anyways, we can try to have his vehicles towed. This will create bad feelings for sure.

I expect lots of wrong-headed praying over this.


How about sending the neighbor a bill for parking space rental? If the neighbor is going to use the space, he may as well pay for it.

Is the property empty? If so, then getting tenants in there who use the parking area may solve the problem.

Stop being so nice. Tell him nicely one more time that he is not permitted to park there and that you will tow the car next time. If it happens, do it. The man has no consideration for you. You have no obligation to appease him.

Tell him nicely one more time that he is not permitted to park there and that you will tow the car next time.

I’d do this in writing, certified mail, return receipt.

The neighbor quit parking there.

I did the ol’ 1-2 verbal hammer trick on him, as I had received a tenant complaint regarding smell from his dog yard…
knock, knock!

“Yes, may I help you?”
“Reverend, we have received a tenant complaint! The new nurse in the little cottage says that there is a really strong smell of dog feces coming from your yard and she is thinking of moving!”
“Dog smell? Why we cleaned that yard just four days ago!”
“Perhaps you could clean it daily? We really hate to lose a good nurse. Why don’t I just tell her that you are going to clean it daily from now on? Good, that’s settled. By the way, please don’t park in the lot anymore, there is going to be landscaping and watering going on. Thanks, bye.”

The ol’ hammer trick works every time.

I told the nurse the smell is our local downtown stockyard. You can hear the cattle lowing when the wind is right. “We like the smell here,” I told her, “it’s the smell of money in the West.”


Good job! Thanks for the update.