Add an addition or not?

Looking for advice in adding an addition to a rehab project. I would like to add about 300 sq sf of living space to a home I will be purchasing, but not sure what an addition may cost. I am in San Antonio, Tx. Does anyone know what a fair sq ft dollar amount would be to add an addition? The room will just be a study with no bath so just a roof, walls, and a pier and beam floor system. The return is about $90 - $100 per sq ft. Also, what can I expect to get as far as permits, etc. from the city? Thanks for any help.

Howdy San1tnh:

Permits should be less than $100. You will need a drawing. You may be able to do this yourself, Get a copy of plot plan and draw to scale the house and the floor plan of the improvements you will add including door and window locations and sizes. You will probably need an engineer to sign off on the piers. Just did one here in Austin at the costs of $150 after the fact. I tried to get around all the BS but got caught. I did have a remodel permit only and not one to add on. The framing costs about $2500 including some tubes and concrete and steel for the piers. We had to sheetrock the entire house anyway so that was not much extra and the same with paint and insulation. Figure the door and window and roof costs and any other extra expenses, Here again we re-roofed the house so not much additional costs. We probably added on 100 feet for not over an extra $4000 total. Hope this helps some.

Thanks Ted. How long does a project like this take if no surprises?

Howdy San1tnh:

I do not know. I have never had a project with no surprises. If pretty smooth maybe 30 to 45 days. Didn’t they build a Hotel on the Riverwalk in 30 days to 45 days. In the movie The Money Pit the pat contractor answer was 2 weeks. LOL