About ForeclosuresDaily

Please observe, I just signed up as I have been doing some research and which led me to these pages. :biggrin

I recently went to a Seminar or briefing sponsored by ForeclosuresDaily.com They are charging a lot of money ($1,995.00) to send me through a bootcamp to learn Short Sales and even more ($2995.00) for a set of books to guide you through the art of buying Foreclosed homes. In addition there are several more fees. I do not have that sort of money, but I really need to do this thing properly and would like proper guidance. :rolleyes

My question is - Does anyone know about them? Has anyone ever done business with them and what did you think of the course? :rolleyes

I am using their website with my subscription – they are most expensive one that I know. However, their info and records most accurate and info gets there faster then records in county could be updated. I don’t know about their boot camps because I didn’t use any, but if you’ll buy a subscription, you’ll have a huge source of reliable information.

They using a Zillow as a comparable, which I don’t trust, so, just do your own comparables.

I have met the foreclosuresdaily rep in my area, and I know that she is at the court house every day updating information. I had realtytrac for awhile but thier info seem outdated. Check F.Daily subscription prices at thier web site. I thik its worth it for fresh information.

Membership $583 per county per year. Their info is very fresh and I didn’t see any delays or outdated records. Subscription referred as a list of properties by calendar day per county or counties, depends how many you subscribed for. So, there usually Lis Pendens and another problems like zoning or any problem with a property is reflected in their list.

Why is it that most people that posted in this thread have less than 5 posts?

i just happened to see this post about these guys. i am considering using them for the subscription to at least one county. i am nervous about the expense, thinking becuase its public info i could do it less expensively. there seem to be a lot of people that do what they do. i was sold thinking you get what you pay for. the fact that they tout having someone at the court every day speaks volumes, but as someone pointed out before- are these people working for foreclosuresdaily.com that are posting support for them? any other real testimonies about these guys?

Blind leading the blind!! :slight_smile:

Just kidding… sort of. They might be very experienced investors who just started posting like me!

My comment is only pay for what you need. Not all types of FC investors need the names hot off the presses. My short sale strategy either gets them before FC is filed or waits until much later in the process so even outdated info is ok.

My experience is tons of idiots race at the HO immediately when the Lis Pendens is filed. They are overwhelmed, mad and in denial. They don’t listen to anyone and throw away letters and post cards. I don’t want to be part of that crowd anyway.
