
I like to know if houses build in the early 1970"s has abestos problem?Should I seek abestos inspector to inspect the house or should a prepty inspector able to do abestos check if any?

If there is abestos in the property,how do one remedy it/
Ceiling texture,wall,flooring?

Thank you

Greetings Red,

Houses built before 1971 possibly has abestos. You can hire a home inspector to inspect your house. And you should never remove abestos yourself. It is a very dangerous chemical. It requires professional assistance. You can try to get bids from contractors. Or, your inspector can recommend you someone. Did you just buy the home?

Best Wishes,


Is gettiing asbestos removed Expensive>>>???

How do you get a quote on it being done for a commercial building???

Are there grants available to have this removed? If an opportunity to have an abandoned building given to me BUT it is condemned due to asbestos is it worth the cost factors of removing it???

Can you get loans to remove asbestos as part of a normal rehab project?
Does a building have a value if condemned because of it?

Just some questions I am looking at considering a building since it is free if I have an agreement signed stating in the next 12 months from taking it I will have the asbestos removed and rewired since the stripped it all out for the copper.

Do you have to remove it???

The two most common places for abestos in commerical building is on steam pipes/boilers and floor tiles (e.g. I did a building where we encapsulated the boiler with cinder block/conrete). Both of which can be covered over and rendered harmless. Ceiling tiles are a bit more difficult.

Abestos is considered dangerous becuase when iti s airborne, it can become attached to the inside of your lungs. When it is immoble it is completely harmless.

Hire a professional inspector to assess the situation. Failure to abate abestos correct can be lead to serious legal problems.

Here is a link to an article that i just read today actually:
It at least is an interesting point.
