Abandoned Property

Hello All,
I am a newbie…and i would like to get into Abandoned Property business but I do not know how to spot one or get the property owner to call. How can I advertise to get a deal.

Thanks in advance!

Spotting one shouldn’t be a problem…long grass, unkept, broken windows, boarded up, etc…

Finding the owner is the trick, can be very easy or difficult…the harder the better your chance of landing the deal. Since the easy ones probably have been picked over.

Finding the owner:

  • Tax Records
  • Recorded Deed
  • Neighbors (very good, as they want it fixed up too)
  • skip trace

Then its going to be your advertising and negociating ability…but IMO, they are more open than lets say foreclosures & FSBOs.

Happy Hunting, Play hard

Thanks. That helps. But is there a list someone can go after?

List of what? abandoned property?

…its not that easy. It takes work.

Wanna be lazy?..get some birddogs to do the work for you. People that can help, friends, family, neighbors, delievery men, cops, firemen…get creative and get out there and talk to people.

The whole idea is BUILDING your list, not getting some piece of crap that everyother investor has picked over.

I’ve never real heard of any one being successful at consistantly getting deals from “abandon properties”; thus I’m skeptical of building a business around it. Most people work some “angle” such as pre-probate, pre-tax sales, etc.

I have chased quite a few deals and never gotten anywhere. Most owner (if they can be located) seem to just not care. They usually own it free and clear and it cost them nothing to hold on it and let it fall into ruins.