A Wholesalers Dream

Every once in a while a house comes thru the pipeline with the perfect conditions for wholesaling.
I got a call from Martha, a fiesty elderly lady that stated she is just sick and tired of renters.
The Code inspector condemned the house bcause the water Heater wasnt to code. The previous renter had a huge mean dog, that did some damage, she goes on to tell me the bath tub was leaking and the renter put concrete in it. Now, That could be rough on the tush. Then she tells me they broke the living room window and replaced it with some god awful contraption.
Then she goes on to tell me the County is threatening to bulldoze the house and charge her for the demo and removal.
She also paid a guy to change the locks cuz he was interested in buying it but found out later he wants her to pay for all the material and he will do the labor, and he kept the keys and shes having trouble contacting him.
Meanwhile, The house sits vacant, it’s a small 2/1 with a big lot and has an ARV of 70K I offered her $15,000 Cash and wer meeting at the house tomorrow to discuss it.
Anyway, this ol Girl seems seriously motivated. And, the planets are alligned.
Rando :deal

Sounds like a nice payday coming up! Good for you!