There’s alot to glean from this race…
It looks like the Tea Partyers have more clout than the MSM wants to afford them… It’s irony that the Tea Partyers, in Massachusetts, made a visable difference… it was the shot heard round the political world a day before the one-year anniversary of the Obama inaugeration…
On Sunday, Obama on himself made the point that HE needed Massachussetts to come out for him and for his agenda, and the voters REJECTED him… So each time he has gone to a state to make that pitch, his policies have been repudiated…
The seat that Ted Kennedy held, whose lifelong goal was the culmination of what Obama wanted in healthcare, was lost to a Republican who made a rally-cry to kill the existing healthcare bill, overtaxation, overspending, and not giving terrorists citizen rights… this was after they brought in all the Dem star power for Coakley… Obama, Clinton, The Kennedy’s, Kerry, etc. and spent alot of money in a state where it shouldn’t have even been a contest…
First, it was Virginia, then New Jersey, and now Massachusetts… If they don’t get message NOW, maybe they will in November…
The people made it clear and voted for change on the change president… so that tells you the change Obama wants is NOT what the people want… he wanted to fundamentally transform America, and at every chance they are getting, the people are voting against it…
I think OBama could make history next week, if he steps out and says they over-reached, and really reach out for a bipartisan bill… Simple things…
Open up ALL the markets to competition. Instead of adding one government option, add 1300+ options. Get the insurance companies competing against ONE ANOTHER, like they do with car insurances…
End the anti-trust protection of the insurance companies.
Instead of forcing insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions, make it a condition for the government plans so it eventually leaks out to the market as a sweetener.
Tort Reform
Create consumer pools to get individuals group rates… this can be done for small business also…
All the above costs the taxpayer ZERO dollars…
Get these passed and watch the tide turn back…
Where the Republicans could begin to show they understand the mood of the people, is to step forward and now PUSH these and other ideas and make it clear that they stand ready with their ideas…
Time will tell…