- ARV = $260k
- Burned-out landlord seller is asking $185k (owes $125k, wants the $60k difference, will finance)
- DC property
- House in fairly good condition according to seller (I will see it this week)
- Seller needs at least $20k now ASAP and will take a note for the remaining $40k @ no pmts no interest
- Good sec8 tenant in place @ $1,500/mo
- Underlying payment of $937/mo is 4 mos behind
- The tenant doesn’t want to leave but will go if need be…I can help her find a new sec8 home no problem, voucher should transfer.
Need some flip exit strategies here. Ideally if I could leave the tenant in place I could just market it to landlords as a seller-financed turnkey rental deal, but I’d need to ask for somewhere in the ballpark of $40k down ($20 to seller, $4-5k to catch up payments/may be a possible reinstatement fee, $5-10k for my assignment, plus closing costs). My marketing angle would be you’re buying $75k worth of equity plus $500/mo cashflow for $40k cash, take over payments no bank qualifying. The seller financing is the key here, but is it reasonable to expect that much down from a landlord on a deal like this?
Also I’m considering getting an option for $185k then do a round-robin auction and sell it quick to an arms length owner occ buyer. This gets the seller his whole $60k and I’ll easily make $40k+ after costs. The tenant would have to leave and I’d likely have to wait til she’s out so I can clean/stage/market etc plus I’m not sure if the house even qualifies for this strategy til I actually see it.
The more I look at it the more I’m leaning toward the option/auction but what would you guys do with this deal?