they will be gone in 18 months…always see in in every cycle…those investors think appreciation is a given…most are over leveraged…they should of dumped 12 months ago and keep the great cash flows (if any)

p.s. i was driving around my neighborhood last night…AMAZING,all the boarded up houses and i live in a very good area…no equity,short sale will be difficult at this time for those…but it could be done,

the bad areas are the good and the good areas are bad …i think eric said that and i agree

my 2 cents

Robert A. Doncaster, Jr.
Import/Export Entrepreneur & Investor

Chicago Illinois USA
& sometimes Salzburg, Austria

80% thats not bad at all. 95% of businesses go out of business within 5 years from inception, so if only 80% go out of business, then we are doing fine.

As far as your concern, thats not really true. Some markets are affected, but not others. And not all investors bank on appreciation.

Yea appreciation is the icing on the cake not the cake on the icing :slight_smile:

in the coming months u will see new investors coming to this forum hoping to unload their properties…GREAT FOR US…

everthing works on the bell curve,

this time around it going to be major…all markets will be affected…watch and see…read up on the CDO’s etc hedge funds,this is bigger …

the commerical market will be hammered next…watch and see…

great days are ahead for investors,

my 2 cents

Robert A. Doncaster, Jr.
Import/Export Entrepreneur & Investor

Chicago Illinois USA
& sometimes Salzburg, Austria

Interesting and bold statements. You’re probably accurate. That being said…

I’m a newbie and take your statements as a challenge. I have a couple of questions though.

You wrote “great days are ahead for investors”. Why? What do you see happening?

Is this a bad time for newbies to get into REI?

I’m not banking on appreciation, but in Phoenix, everything I’ve read is appreciation will just slow and not continue at the rapid rate we’ve seen the last few years.

As I’ve said, I’m a newbie and am still looking for my first rental property. Finding cash flow properties is very tough. I’d like to put no more than $50k down and haven’t found a single property that will cash flow. Do you anticipate this people dumping properties at a discount in the near future?

for current times …good deals are in bad neighborhoods and bad deals are in good neighborhoods

you could do a lot w/o even putting a dent in that 50k

ddepends on what your goals are,my goals are different than yours

my 2 cents

Robert A. Doncaster, Jr.
Import/Export Entrepreneur & Investor

Chicago Illinois USA
& sometimes Salzburg, Austria