1,000 post here is to everyone that asks if it can be done with no credit!

I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I didn’t finish high school. As a matter of fact, I had a hard time finishing anything I started. When I started Real Estate, I was flat broke and living on a park bench. If you’ve been there, you know how it is.
With foreclosures in Colorado, I know as much or more than the Public Trustee and Attorney’s Office and I used my skills almost at a non-profit level. I wanted to save the world. I gave away more money than I made, just so I could help people stay in their homes.
I knew what I wanted – to help anyone who asked for it. It’s like the fight between the rock and the stream. The stream always wins, not by strength but by persistence. REI is for everyone who is tired of the wait. For the mechanic, turning wrenches and realizing he’s tired of a job. The truck driver tired of the drive. The
Stock Broker who makes money for other people; The waitress with sore feet. For anyone who wants a change, this really can happen.
I never thought this was at all possible myself I thought it was all a big scam to make a huge amount of money off of people that were down and out in there luck. I thought how could anyone with a heart take equity from someone else that was facing foreclosure. I also thought why would anyone in there right mind give away there hard earned equity. There is no way that anyone would do that. Then I thought well I am homeless and need a place to live. I also have fair to no credit and am tired of working day to day to see little to no results. So one morning I woke up after sleeping on a park bench and said I need a change. And made real estate a way to change my situation I never thought it could be a full time job. Boy was I wrong. Most of the people that I know started with something. Now that something could be good credit, A Real estate background, a house, or even something as simple as a phone I HAD NOTHING!!!

So after hearing that you all know why I never post on anything that says can I do this with Bad Credit or no money! YES YOU CAN it is not your situation it is your will to get this done and want to do it!


Howdy Robb:

You da man DOG. Congrays on #1K posts. You add a lot tgo this forum.

I too started with little and have built several fortunes and lost it all several times. I keep bouncing back and this time stronger than ever. I am just like the stream and the timex watch, I take a licking and keep on ticking.


You go Dogg!!! No really thanks for a wonderful 1,000. We all appreciate it, and need it!!!

You and Ted are so vital to this forum. Thank you both for the 3000+ posts you’ve added to help us all. You both are right, you don’t have to be rich or have the best credit to be successful, determination and will goes a long way. You have to want it, and if you want it you have to go get it, in order to go get it, you have to take action. So for the ones who have excuses, get your a@@ off the park bench, the couch or where ever it’s parked and take ACTION, just like Robb did. At least you probably have a phone



Thank you for the words of encouragement. We are facing foreclosure right now on one of our rental properties. We are determined to make this work, but we are very frustrated and disgusted (with ourselves, the situation and the previous owners). We will press on!


Congrats on 1000 posts. Thanks in advance for the next 1000!

SALUT! If there is anything I have learned in the short time I have been on these boards, it is that one must change the way s/he thinks in order to succeed. Within each of us lies the creative spark… the “aha!” that gets us up in the morning, and the drive to carry us to the finish line.

Robb, you write about things near and dear to my heart. I found myself nearly destitute last year during a marital separation - homeless for a period of time, not knowing where I would live, from where a crust would come from, and without a job. (thankful to secure a J.O.B. then.) I thought my spouse and I would be conquering the world together, alas that is not the case and I digress.

Here’s to Hope, Here’s to Inspiration, Here’s to Champions, and Here’s to continued Success. (Funny, that acronym is “HICS”) In this case, I’m happy to be one. (and of course, nothing derogatory is implied nor insinuated toward anyone of any ethnicity/creed/yadda. )

You are a WINNER!



I think I will make this my full time JOB… and catch up with Keith we were neck and neck until I took off a month! LOL And sense nobody liked the hot dog Idea…


I was OK with the hot dog idea, Robb…loved the firetruck idea better, though!


Well Keith I hate to say it so blunt but Mom lied when she told me I could be anything I want SHE LIED there is no way to become a firetruck!! Not a real one anyway!!! Robb

How right you are.
Great post!!

I wanted to save the world. I gave away more money than I made, just so I could help people stay in their homes.
I knew what I wanted – to help anyone who asked for it. It’s like the fight between the rock and the stream. The stream always wins, not by strength but by persistence. REI is for everyone who is tired of the wait.<<<

This is why you are so successful Robb…my hat is off to you :razz:

Congrats on your 1000th post and thanks for sharing. :beer: