When I submitted the idea of the Random Ramblings Forum to the powers to be and they approved the idea it was to post about items not necessarily relevant to real estate investing.

This was done to keep the other forums posts on target in their respective areas. However, lately the Random Ramblings Forum posts are into an area that is very difficult for a Moderator to be effective in keeping the board within the guidelines of it’s purpose and rules.

**No Political Discussions - stating political beliefs is against the rules in any forum, even “Random Rambling”, due to the fact that discussions get heated and deteriorate quickly on this topic.

Thank you in advance for understanding and your cooperation.

John $Cash$ Locke
REI Club Moderator


Now we can get back to discussing the underlying theme of this website. Helping each other make a lot of money.

THANK YOU!!! :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer


Keep those stock tips and “door” postings coming.

John $Cash$ Locke

This certainly is going to change some things…

Hopefully it will bring back some people. We all pretty much know where each other stands when it comes to politics. Reading it over and over and over again gets to be a beating after awhile.

Should be a little easier to keep up with posts in here now. There for awhile, I was feeling like I didn’t need to watch the news because it was all posted here.
Going out now to work on a possible new business venture. Excited to see where this goes…

Going out now to work on a possible new business venture. Excited to see where this goes...

Good Luck!! :beer

What a disappointment. I really enjoyed reading this forum. Great job Cash on killing a free topic forum.

It appears that someone felt uncomfortable. And God knows, we can’t have people feeling uncomfortable!!!

You’re pointing the finger in the wrong direction. Go back and read the posts for the last couple of months and try again. It definitely wasn’t JCL’s fault…


I don’t think anyone felt uncomfortable. Politics and religion are two things that always seem to start arguments. By removing at least one of them from discussion I am sure the number of arguments here will drop dramatically.

As a LLLOOONNNGGGGG time member here I can say I am happy that there will be no more socialist vs. conservatives vs. tea party vs. ron paul vs. blah blah blah arguments that every thread eventually moved towards.


You have only posted in this forum 19 times so it is not the end of the world for you.

All that’s going to happen is the post count will drop to almost nothing and REIClub will lose a lot of traffic.

There is NOTHING more important in our country today than what’s going on in Washington. It affects every facet of our lives, including business. Putting our heads in the sand and pretending that politics don’t matter is a great disservice to the readers here.

The discussion of politics wasn’t the problem, Mike…the crux of the problem was all of the incivility surroundint the posts - the name calling, the mean-spirited diatribes, the ‘I’m smarter/stronger/faster/younger/better looking/better smelling (fill in your own favorite) than you because I’m XXXX’ crap that was going on, espcecially most recently.


I think this new rule brings us back to discussing the ONE THING that will surely help this Country…

INVESTORS using CAPITAL for calculated RISKS which in turn GROW that capital!!!

THAT and ONLY that, turns the tide in these situations. ALWAYS HAS…ALWAYS WILL!!!

Well at least NOW I don’t have to listen to Mike tell me how ROOKIE once said I should be BANNED and he “stood up for me.”. :beer :beer :beer

I’ll leave it up for a VOTE…I will change me name to “BANNED1” if the majority wants it!!!

Sorry Mike rules are rules.

Once again I applaud this decision.

I don’t think the posting counts will drop at all as there are plenty of people myself included who used to be here everyday but recently have stopped posting as much because of the ridiculous political ranting.

I was under the understanding that Random ramblings was originally intended for discussing other ways to make money besides Real Estate. Instead it quickly devolved into a place where people could rant about Politics.

I vote Jake stays.

If you ban FDJake your basically banning me too. I’ll never be back if that happens.

I honestly do not think that a discussion, by Moderators about a members staying or going should be discussed on the open forums. Mike, unless you have forgotten, there is a Moderator’s Forum. Do you know how to use it?

I agree this ban is long overdue imo…And yes we all know where each other stands on the political front…Typical forums have a no religion,no politics,no explicit language rule,why should this place be any different…

As for banning and not banning,we are aggressive business minded people here…Its going to get heated once in a while…Im just as guilty as fdjake,propertymanager,chris w and anyone else…Lets try to get along and continue to learn from one another…Thats what this place is all about…Making money and learning what others are doing to achieve that financial goal…