Why Are They in Jail - Judge wants to know!

A federal judge challenged prosecutors Wednesday to show that nine members of a Michigan militia accused of plotting war against the government had done more than just talk and should remain locked up.

The question is whether they broke any laws at all, or whether they were arrested for just talking.

And what about this guy? Why is he in jail?

At about 2 p.m., airport police saw McVey get out of a maroon car with Ohio plates and that he had a sidearm.

An armed man spotted at a North Carolina airport parking lot just after Air Force One departed Sunday told an officer he wanted to see the president and had a car equipped with police gear, including a siren and flashing lights, authorities said.

Another person arrested and held for doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ILLEGAL. This guy had a concealed carry license in Ohio. He was LEGALLY carrying his handgun in North Carolina in a public area (legal). The “police gear” that was attached to his car was there because he was a member of REACT - a group that volunteers in public emergencies. The guy is a gun enthusiast and had NOTES about rifle scopes BUT NO RIFLE! He was “nowhere near the president’s plane”. The article claims that a computer check failed to show that his driver’s license was valid, but an Ohio newspaper was quickly able to determine that it WAS VALID.

The brown shirts from the Obama administration are working overtime!

Obama’s brown shirts?? :bs


Yeah, things like this don’t happen in any OTHER administration.

Well, technically, they’re Sturmabteilung, ‘brownshirts’ is just a nickname…

I’m absolutely appalled that anyone actually voted for this clown and, worse, is still sniffing at his 5th point of contact…


They are all nut jobs and need to be kept out of society. Do we need another Ok. City to prove that to you?

I have to agree with PM on this. There are nut jobs everywhere and I believe that these guys are nuts…but did they break a law?

You know what they say about “an ounce of prevention”…

Maybe a little time in the clink will make these whack jobs re-access their “war on the govt.” and prevent them from doing something stupid in the future.

Mike you’re in good company on this one!!!

The ACLU makes the same case YOUR MAKING for this guy…THEY just use it to defend CHILD MOLESTERS!!!

There’s no reason “Mr. Diddler” shouldn’t be allowed to live on a street with lots of kids…He isn’t breaking any laws by LIVING there.

:banghead :banghead :banghead :banghead :banghead


Now that is funny. Finally something funny and entertaining instead of complaints.

Homegrown terrorism is a real threat in this country and I for one applaud the police for picking up these whackos and giving them some time in the slammer to think about where they went wrong in their life.

If your not happy with the way things are going in this country please feel free to move. I for one will not miss you.

And for those of you that feel differently… go take a short visit to the OKC bombing memorial. Go see what one “patriot” did to this country. Go look at all the pictures of the children that were collatteral damage in Mcveigh’s “war on the govt.”. Perhaps if Timothy Mcveigh would have been picked up prior to the bombing and had spent some time in jail or even better a mental hospital we might not be having this conversation.

I don’t care if you have a permit to carry a gun legally or not. If you look suspicious and you have a gun I WANT THE POLICE TO STOP YOU and dig around. If it turns out to be nothing then great, but I would rather be safe than sorry.

So PM, let me get this right, you whine that you went to the DC metro and that the police were NOT protecting regular citizens because you did not see them in the subway.

Then in the same breath, you blame PRO ACTIVE authorities for being socialist.

Make up your MIND MAN, which is it???



You know what they say about "an ounce of prevention"...

When an “ounce of prevention” means violating the 1st Amendment and “thought police” are arresting people for what the think or say, I’ve got a problem with that! I’m not surprising that you don’t. The Chosen One and his socialist minions would like nothing more than to destroy the 1st and 2nd Amendments and that’s exactly what they’re working toward.

So PM, let me get this right, you whine that you went to the DC metro and that the police were NOT protecting regular citizens because you did not see them in the subway.

Wrong. My problem with Washington D.C. is that law abiding people are disarmed and the police are not providing any security. That’s completely different than the “thought police” arresting people for things they think or say.

Furthermore, the guy from Ohio that was arrested in North Carolina did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG. He didn’t break any law and no-one has any evidence that he was even considering an illegal act.

I’m okay with the cops busting a group of whack jobs intent on waging war against the govt.

As for the guy in NC if he did nothing wriong then I’m sure he will be let go, but as I said “better safe than sorry”.

To be honest I am more worried about the gun nuts in this country that feel the need to carry a concealed weapon than I am about the criminals carrying them. I don’t need some freaking fool that feels the need to break out his gun to “protect” himself if he feels threatened. Or even worse decides he needs to return fire.

If your going to carry a concealed weapon then you should be prepared to deal with the issues that come along with it.

To be honest I am more worried about the gun nuts in this country that feel the need to carry a concealed weapon than I am about the criminals carrying them.

That doesn’t suprise me one bit! You’re just like FO - coddle the criminals and criticize law abiding citizens. Right out of the lefty playbook!

By FO I presume you mean me.

I haven’t been on this site in a few weeks, but I’m glad, PM, that you are still thinking about my previous advice.

Also, I have NEVER mentioned coddling criminals. You are projecting, PM.

I now have serious second thoughts about you folk from Ohio. Is it inbreeding? Lack of formal education? A salt-deficient diet?

Sometime back I read the Timothy McVeigh biography. What turned him anti-American government was that his superior officers ordered the vanquished Iraqi soldiers gunned down. They were turned into a red mist in front of him. McVeigh was sickened. He felt that the military officers just wanted to test their armaments. That they had no regard for life whatsoever. He never forgot. So he basically repeated the act, but against innocent Americans. In a FEDERAL building.

I read the book because I wanted to know why that middle-America boy, McVeigh, had developed such a focused hatred and need to act out.

Colin Powell also objected to the massive annihilation of the retreating Iraqi Army soldiers. He was overruled, and the soldiers, running like hell, were fire-bombed from the air. That was the “road of death” leading back to Baghdad.

I believe this first Black president, Obama, has inspired racial hatred as well as political hatred. The Secret Service has their hands full protecting him from crazies. Losing civil liberties for a few hours is a small price to pay for keeping our leader safe.

You can bet that internet sites, maybe even this one, are being monitored to find out who the crazy president-haters are.

Looks like I’m back.

I believe this first Black president, Obama, has inspired racial hatred as well as political hatred.

WRONG! There isn’t any “racial hatred” of The Chosen One. The Chosen One is despised BECAUSE HE’S A SOCIALIST AND IS INTENTIONALLY DESTROYING THE COUNTRY!

Losing civil liberties for a few hours is a small price to pay for keeping our leader safe.

The young man from Ohio, McVey, is STILL IN JAIL and he didn’t break a single law!!! The “militia” members from Michigan may not have broken any laws either. When the “thought police” are able to arrest people for what they think and say, we’re in a LOT OF TROUBLE in this country.

If you are walking around armed to the teeth and have a car full of political phamplets or Militia-type stuff, yeah, you might get harassed by the police.

The idea is to protect the rest of us from gun-wielding fanatics.

We have way too many examples of the havoc and killing of innocents by fanatics with guns.

The police are doing the right thing if they pull a suspicious person off the street. I think that’s the price we pay for being such an armed society. Some of those armed people are indeed mentally deficient or crazy. Lately their emotions have been whipped to a froth by right-wing TV and radio talk show hosts. It’s not going to be long before someone misguided tries to take it out on the “guvmint”.


The left has manufactured “racism”(as usual) against this president.It’s because they don’t want to debate thier policy.It’s much easier to label and demonize.All striaght out of “rules for radicals”=“pick a target,polarize it,demonize it”.You should have a copy in your pocket Furnished,right??

I can’t believe you said socialism is’nt such a bad thing.It leads to communism!!!We are already zooming into dictatorship with Obama this week telling reporters he did’nt want to explain whats in a bill because it’ll get nit-picked and that was politics as usual.Hmmmmm,was’nt it John Kennedy that said debate was healthy and kept our nation fair??

I perhaps would trust this sort of thinking if this person had a proven track record(actually running a business or anything for that matter).I challenge you to provide that evidence of his proven record.No debate,no chance for the opposition to stop the one party in power,sounding more like communism to me rather than this socialism that we’ve had for sometime now.

If you are walking around armed to the teeth and have a car full of political phamplets or Militia-type stuff, yeah, you might get harassed by the police.

Having one legally owned handgun is hardly “armed to the teeth” and there is absolutely no evidence that McVey had any political pamphlets or militia-type stuff. Furthermore, I didn’t know that having political pamphlets was illegal, nor did I know that having militia-type stuff was illegal. Just for my info, what exactly would constitute “militia-type stuff” for which someone should be arrested? A Gadsden Flag (Don’t Tread on Me)? A sign protesting our socialist government? Should a person be arrested for having those things?

With all the hundreds of tea parties; with all the armed 2nd Amendment marches and protests - there hasn’t been a SINGLE ARREST (and that’s over a 3 year period)! Contrast that to the protest over the new Arizona immigration law in which the lefties got violent and threw bottles at police. You’re right that there is bound to be violence - coming from the left AS USUAL!

The police are doing the right thing if they pull a suspicious person off the street. I think that's the price we pay for being such an armed society.

I agree that the police had the right to briefly detain McVey to determine his situation. However, as soon as they determined that he was LEGALLY carrying a gun; that he was NEVER close to the president; and that he had a legitimate reason to have lights and a siren on his car - he should have been allowed to go about his business.

I attended an open carry protest two days ago outside the Columbus Dispatch newspaper. Second Amendment activists were protesting the lies being spread by the Dispatch through their editorials. The protest was located directly across the street from the State Capital Building on a VERY busy sidewalk. All the protestors were openly carrying loaded handguns and additionally, we were carrying signs and handing out flyers to people as they passed by. Although I’m sure that several of the people on the sidewalks called the police to report a large gathering or armed men (and at least one child - unarmed), the police didn’t even bother to stop and inquire. Why? Because the police in Central Ohio understand the CONSTITUTION and they know that people have the right to be armed.

According to your reasoning PM, the 9-11 hijackers would be let go to take down the twin towers again.

But at the same time innocent people get thrown into prison all the time. I don’t think there’s any cut and dry rule in this one.

Lots of gray areas here.

According to your reasoning PM, the 9-11 hijackers would be let go to take down the twin towers again.

The 9-11 hijackers are dead, so letting them go probably wouldn’t do much. Furthermore, the twin towers can’t be taken down again, because all the government interference and inefficiency has kept them from being rebuilt.