The Biggest Racist in the United States?

My vote goes to Professor Gates who immediately accused a police officer of racial profiling when that police officer responded to a report of a break-in of his own house. Was it really too much to ask that Prof. Gates provide identification and cooperate with the investigation when the officer was there TO PROTECT PROFESSOR GATES AND HIS BELONGINGS? GIVE ME A BREAK!!!

Anytime I have an incident with my rentals or when the alarm goes off at my home, I am very appreciative to have the police show up and investigate. It shows that they are trying to do their job and are trying to protect my family and my belongings. Needless to say, I don’t harass the police and call them names when they are trying to help me!!! I guess the professor just isn’t that smart! You can read Professor Gates Racist Rant on - in his own words.

My runner-up vote goes to President Obama, who immediately assumed that this police officer was a racist, even when he admittedly didn’t know the facts! Disgraceful!


100% agreed. Although im sure in some areas cops are more suspicious of blacks unfairly, which isnt right, people like Gates are just as bad.

I heard that even this guys own neighbors said he was verbally abusive to the police.

He’s obviously an idiot.

I think Obama was right. This police was stupid. If the police show up to a house and he is assured that this is the person 's house there is no way the end product should be that that guy get arrested. The police was stupid for arresting him no matter how bad his feelings were hurt (and that is what he was arrested for hurting the officer’s feelings).

But Obama needed to say that the professor was stupid also. If you meet the police anywhere including your house, you don’t act an ass and insult him. That is stupid.

There was enough stupid going around for everybody.

Ahh, he did provide ID… check the facts…

It was absolutely not obama’s place to comment on this without any facts. He should have stayed out of it. End of story.

But as for the incident, purely from a legal standpoint and leaving race out of this, gates was arrested without committing a crime. You cannot be disorderly in your own home. Once the cop determined he was the owner/resident of the property, he should have left. Doesn’t matter what he called his mom. Just doesn’t matter. What crime did he commit?

As for being racist, I took a class in college about race. The first thing the professor told me was, if somebody tells you they are not racist, they are F’in lying or have a mental handicap. Those are the only two options. Yeah got our attention!!! It was an awesome class. Racism is actually a normal psychological human trait called “grouping”. You are born with it. You group past experiences for future uses. You are walking down the street and are white and 3 black guys are coming at you on the same sidewalk. If you have had trouble with black people in the past you will move to the other side of the street (or your conscience will say that is the right thing to do). If you are black and you are in Mississippi and stop at a gas station in the boon docks to get gas and see a rebel flag, you might get nervous and get out of there as quick as you can. It’s the same thing.

Ever been to brazil?? Blacks down there are VERY different than here in the USA.
And therefore treated very different by the whites. Because of grouping…

I guess I am saying what everyone is very scared to say, and that is being “racist” is a human trait you can’t change.

I guess the biggest disappointment was when Obama said they acted “stupidly” on national TV, impugning these guys, while in the same breath saying that he didn’t know all the facts…

Although Obama has since backtracked because he ultimately looked bad and was trying to quell a rising storm and save face, not because he really meant it, at least he sort of tried.

I would have like to been a fly on the wall when Obama found out that Sgt. Crowley TAUGHT a class on racial profiling for 5 years along side a fellow black instructor who has the highest regard for him and after being HAND-PICKED by his black commissioner, and had tried to save Reggie Lewis (and his wife was “floored” to hear him accused of this), and the black officer on the scene supporting Crowley “100%” in the arrest…

I wish they would release the tapes they have on this…

Now if it turns out that the tapes support Sgt. Crowley on this, I would hope that the same media who impugned him nationally would exhonerate him with the same zeal…

BTW, Gates was forcing the door open BECAUSE of damage done from a previous burglery attempt at that address…


“and that is what he was arrested for hurting the officer’s feelings”

No, he was arrested for being disorderly, and the black officer who was there and WITNESSED Gates irrational behavior, and refusing to calm down, and supported the arrest 100%…

But it’s OK to call Sgt. Crowley a racist, and have Obama impugne him on national TV, even though the black officer on scene AGREED 100% with Crowley… :rolleyes It is this type of thinking that will NEVER move race relations forward…

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” - Martin Luther King

The police report…

It gives both Sgt. Crowley’s and Figueroa report… You’ll note that BOTH officers said that Gates initially refused to provide ID…

So the Hispanic, Black and White officer are all racists RESPONDING to a call on a house that was previously burglerized by a call from a neighbor… :rolleyes

One quick question… how does asking for ID make you a racist anyway???

Why were the officers leaving if they didn’t see an ID?? How did they determine it was his house? Common sense prevails here guys.

John, read the police report. They were leaving AFTER they got the ID… Both Crowley and Figueroa BOTH said in their reports that he initially refused to provide ID…

I agree common sense does prevail, so I ask again… how does asking for ID make you a racist anyway???

Sounds alot like the falsely accused duke case(that sharpton,jackson never appologized for).But if don imus says “nappy headed"in a joke, he’s fired.I think it’s best said by morgan freeman when asked how to overcome racism"just stop talking about it.I won’t refer to you as a white man and you won’t refer to me as black,we’re just two men talking”…I personally can’t stand the rebel flaggers as much as the black panthers(which our pres has ties to).

I’m really glad everyone is getting to see the real obama(rev wright’s protoge).It’s been there all along folks…3 more years of this.What a shame.

3 1/2 years. :slight_smile:

Could you imagine what would happen if the officer would have left without getting an ID and the guy inside was indeed a criminal? Gates would be screaming racism in that the police didn’t properly investigate the crime at the home of a black man!!! The police got a call that two black men were breaking into a house. When the police officer arrived at the house, he did indeed find a black man in the house. This black man refused to comply with reasonable requests from the police and apparently started yelling obscenities at the officer and accusing him of being a racist. GIVE ME A BREAK!

If that would have happened here in Ohio, the police would have tazered the idiot and dragged him from the house REGARDLESS OF HIS COLOR! Furthermore, he would have deserved it. When you are at the scene of a reported burglary and the police give you lawful orders - you comply. To start screaming obscenities and calling the cop a racist is irresponsible and idiotic, especially when the cop was there to protect the homeowner and his belongings!!!

Gates and Obama are both racists and that is now crystal clear.


Yeah they’re racists.Along with oprah(obama cheerleader)who had obama on then refused to have palin on til after election.Then she has gates on.What is really the agenda of these racists??

No matter your POV on this, one thing is for certain, Obama did not act presidential in this situation and PREJUDGED it WITHOUT knowing all the facts…

If you want proof of Gates racism, which he will NEVER be called to task for, but instead get to increase his speaking fees AND profit from it, all you have to do is look at his response to being asked for ID…

Like I said - how does asking for ID make you a racist?

Gates was non-compliant three seperate times… First when asked to come onto the porch, he said “No, I will NOT”. Second when asked for ID he refused (he eventually provided it) and third when he was warned that he was being disorderly in full view of the public and to stop more than once, which his non-compliance lead to his arrest suppported 100% by his fellow officers, white, hispanic and black…

Gates reaction was the racist one here, but noone is pointing this out… and unfortunately was followed on national TV by Obama’s “uncallibrated” words…

What crime was committed??? Someone answer that.

Disorderly conduct…


[i][b]“Almost every state has a disorderly conduct law that makes it a crime to be drunk in public, to “disturb the peace”, or to loiter in certain areas. Many types of obnoxious or unruly conduct may fit the definition of disorderly conduct, as such statutes are often used as “catch-all” crimes. Police may use a disorderly conduct charge to keep the peace when a person is behaving in a disruptive manner, but presents no serious public danger.”

More from Wikipedia…

A person who recklessly, knowingly, or intentionally:

(1) engages in fighting or in tumultuous conduct;
(2) makes unreasonable noise and continues to do so after being asked to stop; or
(3) disrupts a lawful assembly of persons;

commits disorderly conduct. . .

According to the Cambridge police report, Gates exhibited “loud and tumultuous behavior, in a public place” that “caused citizens passing by this location to stop and take notice while appearing surprised and alarmed.”[/b][/i]

Disorderly Conduct arrests more often than not end up being dropped… it’s just a tool to keep the peace overall… they followed protocol and the law as it stands… don’t like it… campaign against it, but it is used all across the US…

Personally, I would like to see it specifically defined, but then Gates WAS asked to stop what he was doing more than once… GATES refused to do so, and did so publicly with people gathering… once he took it outside, he was no longer within just his rights… his inconvenience of being arrested was solely his problem…

Can you imagine how the neighbor feels? If there is another robbery attempt on Gates or surrounding homes, I wonder if neighbors would think twice about calling it in…


Now answer my question… how does asking for ID make you a racist???

I love how such a simple thing like this is turning into a national debate just because an idiot of a president opened his mouth on something that should not of been on his radar map!

But, gee I guess he has time.

Disorderly conduct is very rarely an appropriate charge outside one’s home. Disorderly conduct charges are used by cops as a way of arresting people who have offended them and they use
the charge to show such audacious citizens who the boss really is. It is a result of the cop being offended or having his authority challenged or his pride hurt. If the cops had walked away from Gates and left him to be the only one hearing his rants; what would that have hurt? Was there a threat to the community? Who were the police protecting and what were they serving by arresting this man?
Gates could have called the officers every name in the book or screamed obsenities about their wives and mothers; too bad! The professional officer is smart enough to NOT get trapped by such and walks away. These officers misused their badge and arrested an innocent man. Was Gates a jerk? Yes! Did he commit a crime? No!

I know a few cops and they really prefer not to arrest someone if it’s not necessary. It’s simply more work for them if they do. I’m sure that the professors’ actions obligated the officer to take him in.