The American Revolution

Are we on the verge of a new American Revolution, maybe reminiscant of 1776? (I actually got chills when I said that!) Contrary to what Gallup polls are saying, American are fed up with the government, were mad as hell and we’re not going to take it anymore!! Whose on board?

Contrary to what Gallup polls are saying, American are fed up with the government, were mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore!! Whose on board?

Who’s on board? MILLIONS of Americans that attended today’s tea parties all over the country! I attended my local tea party and you are correct - people are mad as hell and we are not going to take it anymore!


If you haven’t read the bill, the book or visited the site then you should. If the Fair Tax Bill was passed the United States would become the world’s tax haven. Social Security (the Ponzi scheme that it is) would be saved, medicare-saved, you would have to being hiding from a job to not have one (if a j.o.b. is what you are looking for). Point is the answer is there but if it was passed then Washington (liberals, in particular) would lose the ability to punish and reward via tax penalties/breaks.

During the research for the Fair Tax foreign companies were asked what they would do if the U.S. passed the Fair Tax. 60% said they would build their next manufacturing/research facility here. The other 40% said they would move their headquarters here.

Is it perfect–no. But it IS a hell of a lot better than the current Marxist-based system.

I think the real key to success is for everyone who’s fired up to KEEP their fire up and to spread their contagious attitude to everyone they meet!! Let’s keep it up people!

ps-I haven’t checked out yet, but I certainly will

I agree THE PEOPLE need to keep fired up. The reason we got here is quiet, sheep-like complacency. The squeaky wheel gets the grease and unfortunately, over the last 20-30 years it has been small pockets of activists making their voices heard while everybody else (myself included unfortunately) sat their, rolled our eyes, snickered and thought they would disappear into the background until the next nut-job neo-hippie, environmentalist, anti-gun, labor, healthcare, (the list goes on) activist group raised its ugly,misguided head. And then we would roll our eyes, snicker and repeat. The point being our complacency let these people get their agendas passed.

I went to the Tea Party is Indianapolis. The people on MSNBC are CNN are mocking and making fun of us who attend the Tea Partys. I find it funny that they cant see why everybodys upset, and they think its just a “Republicans picking on Obama thing”. Apparently were all Ring-Wing extreamists and wackos.

We all know what needs to be done, and I personally believe, its not going to get done through just voting. :guns

I believe in 10 years we could see something… I dont believe Americans are quite ready for what needs to happen yet.


I love our Freedom of Speech as much as any God-loving, flag-waving, hand-over-the-heart American, BUT I would not post comments like that on a PUBLIC forum. You are just asking for trouble from a government that under the new regime now is looking for “home-grown” terrorists that according to the Homeland Security czar, includes us right-wing gun toters. Don’t give them ammo and do yourself a favor and don’t put a bulls-eye on your own back.
Talk like that is, for right now, best kept in face-to-face discussions in a semi-private or at least a mainly like-minded environment.

It is those comments that the feed the gun ban idiots their ammo.

I’m certainly not advocating a violent overthrow of the government by any means, but I do believe its going to take some sort of radical action-political, economical, social, or otherwise, to get things done. I agree with Hoosier that voting in and of itself is probably not enough to make the the kind of changes that we all want to see. What is the answer?- I don’t know yet, but I am open to suggestions.

I just get this feeling in my gut of a growing tide of disrest in America…


The second amendment was passed so that the people could protect themselves from a tyrannical government. You are certainly right that this could easily end up in a civil war once the people are oppressed to the breaking point. We’re nowhere near that point yet, but unless the government gets off its socialist/fascist agenda, we WILL get there in the future. As the tea parties yesterday reminded us, our country was founded on the principle of freedom from an oppressive government. Unfortunately, that lesson from 1773 has largely been forgotten.

For the first time I can recall, I heard a large gathering of people telling the truth about our country. That we do NOT owe money, housing, food, healthcare, or ANYTHING else to the lazy! That people are responsible for their own actions. That people have the RIGHT to pursue happiness, not a guarantee of happiness. The tea parties were a good start! Let’s keep the movement going!



Tea party last night was electrifying! To the OP, please don’t ever post another MSNBC link on this website.

And what, pray tell, is an acceptable news source?

Fox News, unless its a local Fox station. Fox News at least tries to give unbiased reporting. I particularly like Shepard Smith. And Brit Hume. And Chris Wallace. And SEAN HANNITY.

That MSNBC coverage of the tea parties was unbelievable! Even though I know that MSNBC is extremely biased, I was still shocked at the ridiculous coverage they (and CNN) had. When that those moronic reporters said that the protestors were carrying racist signs and that coverage of the tea parties wasn’t family viewing, even I was shocked (and no one is more cynical than I am).

How many liberal protests have we seen over the years where the police had to use tear gas to break up the demonstrations? How many arrests have occurred at liberal protests over the years? Compare that to the entirely peaceful protests that occurred on the 15th with probably a million people in attendance! MSNBC and CNN are just a big joke!


Yea…an FOX news is UN BIASED :banghead :banghead.

If anyone here thinks you’re gonna get REAL NEWS from watching ANY of the BS on the networks your kidding yourself.

Fox has their nit wits…CNN has theirs…MSNBC has thier dopes…

…AND…CNBC has…

JIM CRAMER :anon :flush :flush :flush

It’s absolutely ridiculous how the people who were a part of the counter culture in the 1960’s protested the fascist, corrupt establishment, and then they subsequently became the fascist, corrupt establishment.
There are no acceptable news sources. Even the associated press is owned by the liberal supremacy, and there are a few dogmatic republican programs on AM radio.
No one is offering up an unbiased version of the truth.
There is an old saying: The truth is the truth even if no one believes it; a lie is a lie even if everyone believes it.
As long as the American public is distracted and brainwashed by the Democrat verses Republican argument, the government and the banks can continue to hide what the last seven months have really been: the greatest swindle of money in the history of the world.

Glenn Beck from Fox News is a Conservative, but very hard on Republicans and Democrats. Ide say hes unbiased.

No…Glenn Beck is a… M O R O N.

Have you seen this little gem??

Beck is so full of sh*t it’s amazing he can even speak. The REALLY scary part is…There’s idiots out there who BELIEVE this dope. watching this clip literally made me sick. This guy is an absolute LIAR.


PERFECTLY PUT!!! I could not agree more with you! :beer

Yes, Ive watched him every day since his show started. Many do believe what he says, including me. Have you watched his shows, or do you just get on youtube, see that he crys, and call him a dope?

Im interested in seeing what hes said that would make him a “liar.” Would you please clarify? Because when I watch his show he seems to have alot of facts backing up what he says.

Also, Glenn Beck has said many times he is not a reporter, he is just a opinion man.

Whats he said that makes him a liar?

OK, so far we’ve established that CNN, MSNBC, FOX, and every other news outlet in America today is composed of idiots, morons, liars, cheats, political hacks, bureaucrats, the list of goes on…(tongue and cheek).

Where are we supposed to get our news, and how do we believe ANYTHING we hear? I really don’t have time to spend 24 hours a day combing through misc. blogs and internet news sources for every aspect of every piece of info that might be considered newsworthy! I need a quick snapshot of whats going on, and if something affects me personally, then I’ll do some more research into it.

Where do you guys go to get your news, if nobody is telling the REAL stories?

Internet blogs, of course. (toungue in cheek )

Seriously, there is a little used word called discernment that we must get back to using. Assume that the people telling you stuff have an angle. Don’t put to much weight on things you hear, take it all with a grain of salt. Then listen to facts and learn to filter out the garbage. That doesn’t leave much anymore, but it is what you must learn to do.