Hi Nate,

Nice to hear from you.

I WALKED!!! They were not reasonable at all. I’m not in business to lose money. No sweat more will come.
I’m making an offer tomorrow on a house, there will be plenty more to come.

How are things going for you?
The Jeremy situation working out ok for you?


Good to see that you are sticking to your guns John. I’ll e-mail you off the board about my lines of credit.


Like anything else, auctions… ebay… garage sales… stocks… mobile homes are only worth what someone will pay for them.

That being said, we’ve found that unloading a mobile, even in good condition, can be as tough as selling of a lemon of a car. We recently sold off a 1/4 Acre with a mobile on it to a Manager at a mobile-home dealership. The only thing that attracted him to making a decent offer as that the land already has utilities. Soon as escrow closes (Dec. 9th) he’s going to tow the mobile off and put in one of his brand-new mobiles and flip it.

Until his offer came along we had plenty of people show interest… but most prospective buyers couldn’t get financing on a mobile versus a stick-built home. Around here you can’t swing a stick without pointing at a new housing development. Mobiles are seen as depreciative personal property, so prices are basically low apart from the land… but too high for the person who doesn’t have the cash for a stick-built.

Personally, I’m done with mobiles apart from the one we’re holding to rent out. I give that one another five years and I’ll either move my MILaw into it as a gift or have to put a new mobile on it to make any decent $$$. In the meanwhile, it’s something of a lame-duck on account of we can’t borrow any supposed equity against it for another new investment.

Just my dos centavos…