Thanks cherdwelth. I don’t care about controlling the GC, I just want to make sure the job is done and comes in at or under budget. Can i establish a max budget, let’s say $40K and that’s it?
If you are rehabbing and say to me, I’ve got $40K -what can we do? I’d try to help you stretch that as best I could. We’d do the major stuff to make sure the house was functioning correctly, then save money on the cosmetics. There are all kinds of ways to get the “look” without spending the bucks! I do it all the time.
I think the word ‘control’ is being misconstrued. To me control is to have clauses in the contract that look out for your own interest without making in one-sided. To control the contractors motivation (money) but never withholding proper payment. I do not believe in micro managing because it undermines the purpose of having anyone work for you.
I don't care about controlling the GC, I just want to make sure the job is done and comes in at or under budget.Passing off your job to someone else you've never met and hoping it is done perfectly is a niave way to do business. Crossing my fingers is not a method I typically use to ensure success.
I don’t know anything about construction so you will never see me standing behind someone telling them where to put the nail. But until I know a person I am cautious of his integrity with my money and his sub’s quality of work.
Contractors are investors worse nightmares on rehabs, which has led many to just do the work themselves. The antidote for this is control. You control with; contracts and checks. I never dangle checks over anyones head but I also don’t pay people to put garbage in my house.