title search

Let us know how your deal turns out GA :beer

I sold that house back in Feb for 273,500. I was under contract in a little over a week of being on the market.

Hi John,

didn’t you pay something like 190 or 195 on that one?

bought on courthouse steps?

what type of work/money, (if any), did you put in before reselling?


I paid 189,500 for it. I put a little over 30K in it. It wasn’t a home run, but it made money. I probably could have gotten more for it, but I decided not to get greedy and took the first offer.


pretty nice spread…

glad to see you got out of the SLV market…

competition is way too fierce unless you’re really devoted…

spreads in RE… :bobble



bounty hunter in Josey Wales:
“I had to come back”

Well to update this post…I did exactly as I said before. I bought the house for 13k plus closing and I paid a guy 560.00 to clean up the place inside and out. Other than replacing two door locks, that is all I did; admittedly the house took longer to sale than I was expecting but I eventually closed 30 Jan 2012 for 31k. It was sold to another investor who is going to rehab it completely and sell to a retail buyer. I wish him luck, but I think I got the better deal. After all costs it was a ~150 day hold for an 89% ROI (not counting my time making offers and looking at houses) Hopefully it will be the first of many.

If you are unable to come in person, title companies can do the research for you.There are public terminals available to search and print documents.