Stocks continue to recover...

And let's not pretend that the elected officials control the country - the money controls the country.

Without a strong middle class…a country is doomed.


I wasn’t implying that I thought there was anything wrong with the practice.
It’s not like these companies taking this money don’t realize whats happening. These deals get closed with a ROOM full of attorneys on each side of the deal.

I didn’t think you thought anything was wrong with it…I wasn’t surprised to hear that you are involved with investors in the same area of funding…It’s very lucrative,but at the same time what we do here is not so up close and personal…If I was in the lower end doing it I think it would bother me slightly…We have no sympathy for a severely overleveraged gazillionaire defaulting…It actually feels quite satisfying…

I bet it does!!!

I’d rather be doing it your way too!

Warren Buffet this morning on CNBC…

“By any practical measure, the country is ALREADY in a recession”

No big news here, it is interesting that “the experts” are STILL debating this.

Soon I guarantee Buffet announces he is reversing his short position on the dollar and getting long…If he hasn’t done so already…This market will be rocky for a while but it’s hard to peg the outcome…The volatility has been unpredictable as of late…Better odds on the roulette table playing red or black…

Like I said in other threads I’m long term bearish on the Dow…All the same I feel tech is a buy longterm…All in all probably better to just sit in cash until the smoke clears…Now we have Chavez possibly going to war with Colombia and Gaza and Israel are feuding again (suprise)…I don’t see much good coming out of the next 6 months…


You and Jim Rogers are on the same page when it come to the U.S dollar.

He thinks the shorts are going to get squeezed at some time here.

Jim Rogers… “When everyone on the boat is over to one side, in my experience with markets, THAT is the exact time to go to the other side of the boat.”

This is an extremely interesting discussion and I com to this forum more for these types of discussions than I do for the real estate at this time. The key to any of this stuff is understanding what’s going on, and more importantly having your house in order so you can safely take advantage of it.


My dad had a cartoon on his office wall when I was a kid. It had a group of monkeys on a teeter totter. A bunch of bananas hanging down on each side of the picture. All the monkeys would run up the inclined see-saw, only to have the other side go down as they got close over and over again. One monkey finally got the bright idea to leave the group and go the other way. It was a great picture of how to get all the bananas. :bobble