Required to Change Locks?

So where is the part about the “Courts shall appoint no namby-pamby panty waste judges to interpret the Constitution as they see fit with no regard to reality”…?

I’m not seeing that, either!



You got me there! I don’t know how to respond. Any examples of namby-pamby panty waste decisions with no regard to reality in particular? I do have a feeling that if extreme liberal judges were responsible for the namby-pamby decisions regarding the Constitution, the extreme conservative dominated Supreme Court Justices would have that decision overturned in no time.

I almost feel at a loss when I am in CA and the property is in OH even through there will be cameras. I mean, I feel like this tenant has control ove the tapes, not me, and I have to trust that he will reset it every 3 days. I’m going to search web based security cam.
Thanks, Geeze so much to worry about when you become a landlord. Tell me guys, is it worth it?

Gee whiz, it’s almost as if the gurus didn’t say anything about this kinda stuff!

LOL…welcome to our world!
