
I’ve been doing this about a month now, since Rando sent me the book. Thanks Rando.

Have one house under contract at $136,800. Thought ARV would be about $170k. $5k in repairs. I used conservative figures just in case. It looks like it’ll be closer to $190k.

Lot line house is still in the works. ARV is $155, lady wants $120. We’re still too far apart but our relationship is established and I get first dibs when she needs to sell it.

Got a call from one of my letters but he didn’t speak any English.

Got to present my estate sale company to a big group of investors/we buy houses people at their office lunch and learn. I sent them the flood damaged house from an earlier post. It’s still available and their referral fee is about how much I would make optioning it anyway…they can probably do a better deal closing the owner on it.

I’m not posting every day but I’m working it everyday. Hope everyone out there is making lots of money.

Last post is from today. Deleted post asking GR where he got his start, I found it in another post.

Handwritten letters and bird dogs aren’t yielding much.

Mass mailouts, bandit signs, and maybe probate letters are probably a better roi.


Well I sure tried but I didn’t get one done before the end of the year.

However I did learn a lot and will keep going. It was a huge success and a great start, not in any way a failure. I just needed a time constraint for motivation to rock and roll through the beginning because the hardest part is always getting started.

You may recall in an earlier post I had made maybe 60 calls or so to make a list of investor buyers for any deals I found (just following the steps in the book).

One of those companies asked if I would like to present my estate sale company at an office meeting lunch and learn. I presented my estate sales last week and they called me back for a one on one meeting with them Monday. I was offered a position to work there.

These guys are doing what I dream of doing. They flipped 120 houses this year. They are the big dogs doing what I have my heart set on and I get to work for them!

I was gearing up to get my estate sale company going but screw estate sales! I get to observe and work for the best of the best. I can’t wait.

So in my attempt to do an option deal, I now have one under contract at $136,800 with a projected ARV of $189,000 and an estimated $5000 in repairs. I have another still in the works (lot line lady).

I’ve presented two offers, gotten one accepted.

I’ve talked to a lot of people, passed out about 100 cards, written about 25 letters, learned about List Source, and gotten a taste of what works and what doesn’t work in lead generation.

But the best outcome of everything was landing my Dream Job.

Here’s a shout out to Redstar for being so entertaining that I read everything he ever posted and came across Randos book offer. Thanks to Rando for getting the whole thing rolling. Thank you Javipa and Gold River for your wisdom and input.

That was a fun challenge- as Rando says, Let’s Make Some Money!!!

That’s all on this thread and I hope everyone out there has a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and rich 2017!

It’s inspiring to see anyone go after the brass ring like you have been.

However, I’m confused about the estate sale deal, and what a full time job means here.

And Merry Christmas to you, too!


I received 2 job offers, but turned them down. I want to work for myself.

I use my estate sale company as an in on real estate deals. This job means I get to work for people who are doing the kind of deals I dream of doing. I’ll be able to learn from them…and collect a salary that will help me pay for investments.

I know there’s plenty of creative financing but I still need a little pocket change for marketing, closing, and maybe downpayments and repairs.

:flush how i feel most of the time trying to build a buyers list using a crappy lead system lol