Letters out - now what?

Is this the only letter that you send, or is there a followup letter?

I have a follow up letter to send also.

It basically just says that I was checking to see if they received the first and restating what I can do for them. It’s a little shorter than the first.

I also tell them that I don’t want to bother them if they do not want/need my help so if they took care of it to let me know and I will remove their address from my database.

Nothing fancy really.

I sent my first batch of letters & postcards out on Saturday so hopefully I’ll get some results!!

sorry to sound so ignorant, but where do most of you get the pre-foreclosures in the first place?

I get them from the recorders office website or from the legal sections in the paper.

aznewbie, i called the recorders office here in Alabama, and they acted like they didn’t have any idea what i was talking about. are you saying that you get a list of pre-foreclosures from the recorders office or the paper? the only ones that seem to be listed there, are a notice of sale of a foreclosure, or am i wrong?

I’m sorry, I get the NOS Lists. These are the ones that have not been foreclosed on, yet (Pre-foreclosures).

Here (as far as I know) after the auction, if there is no buyer, the lender lists it with an agent. Once this happens they rarely go for less than market value.

Once a NOS is recorded it also goes to the paper. The same lists I get at the recorders website are in the paper within a week or so.

I hope that made sense.

yes, it does, and i thank you for responding. and the only reason i continue to ask is, my cousin is a realtor, and is swearing that there is no way that i can get a pre-foreclosure list, which i argued that i could, i just didn’t have proof.

No problem, ask whatever you need. I’m no expert but if I can’t answer someone else will.

Good luck!

Could you help me find the NOS list. I went to Maricopa county’s recorders web site but do not know where to find the NOS list. Any hint on where I will find it.


In the middle of the page there is a drop down list, choose
N/TR Sale

Put the dates you want to search.

When the lists come up you will have to click through whichever one you want and to open the unofficial docs enter what page # you want to open. They open in PDF The # of pages there are is listed at the top right corner.


Thanks for the info. I am very new at this and am doing all the research I can before jumping in.


[I have enclosed with this letter, a list of options that are available to homeowners facing foreclosure to inform you of ways you can save your property.]

What are the options that you list in the enclosed letter? How do you word them? Thanks.

Excuse my ignorance of your particular area but what does NOS stand for? I’m thinking it stands for Notice of Sale or Suit. If so, it is not in pre-foreclosure any longer but is in foreclosure. Pre-foreclosure is that stage, to my understanding, between deliquency with it’s demand letter and the actual filing at the courthouse of the foreclosure notice. Unless you have an in with the lender or the lender’s attornies (sp?) it is difficult to get any pre-foreclosure info as the cousin realtor stated. This is IMHO.

How do you go about the process of providing a loan modification or forebearance for the HO? I keep hearing the term but CAN’T FIND ANY INFORMATION ON IT!!! :banghead: Is this something that you need an “IN” with the bank to take care of or is it just a package that needs to be filled out and faxed back to the bank?

To negoiate with the lender on behalf of the homeowner you need to have the homeowner sign an Authorization to Release Information form. You fax it to the loss mit department of the lender. You need to find out who actually has the file, give them a call and the game of negotiating begins. Some lenders are easy to work with…others are an absolute pain.

For those that might need them, here is a list of loss mit phone numbers:

CitiMortgage Inc.
Wells Fargo Loss Mitigation
Bank of America
CitiFinancial Mortgage
Household Mortgage
Household Finance
Washington Mutual
888 456-5353:
Chase ManhattanMortgage Corp
800-446-8939 x 3553
Homecommings 800-206-2901

Wells Fargo 877-216-8448

Chase Manhattan 800-446-8939

National City Mortgage
1-800-367-9305 x54949
(hardship pkg is on their website)