Just another reason why I cant stand Liberal lefties

Aside from strongly disagreeing with you on the gun control thing with the assault rifle…

You dont do personal attacks? You call me a pot smoker(which isnt a fact, its an opinion, ive never said I have or not). Not a fact.

My grammar is bad, who cares, its a message board. My writing is understandable. But yet, you still pick on that, but if you want, its fine.

And then… theres the IU basketball thing… but lets not get into that.

I dont know if I would say I think im smarter than others, but I deffinetley believe for my age, I have a good outlook on what it takes to be successful in this world, and how thinks need to work. I believe my views are correct (as im sure you think yours are too)

Chris is not only an INVESTOR he’s a REAL ESTATE INVESTOR!


NOT a JOKE that runs his mouth about how WELL he did on a property that he hasn’t FINISHED nevermind SOLD!!!

What is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING about Positive is this…

He’s ARGUING with a guy (ChrisW) who could give him INCREDIBLE INSIGHT into the next phase of his little TERMITE TURD…That is GETTING A BUYER FINANCED !!!

If this guy thinks getting this dump rehabbed was tough WAIT TILL HE SEE’s how hard it will be to get it SOLD!!!

Chris does this for a LIVING…He could be giving you PRICELESS advice about the financing process.

Wait till Positive see’s how many WORTHLESS PRE-APPROVAL LETTERS are out there.

He’s never done this before…He has NO IDEA what pitfalls are ahead of him. The sales contracts alone can be a NIGHTMARE if you sign with the wrong person.

Again…A guy like CHRIS could be a HUGE asset to you…BUT… your EGO couldn’t fit in the same room with another person.

You’ll learn…EXACTLY the same way you learned how to PROPERLY inspect a house for TERMITES!!!


“Termite King AKA master of the cut and paste”

Christopher, the cut and paste of quotes is done for your’s and others benefit, as most do not read history books… the dumbing down of our children in public education on their country’s history and heritage is horrific…

I am interested in history, which is WHY you will find me challenging falsehoods… I am more interested in the history of subjects rather than who comes out looking good…

But again, your assertion of “Termite King” or “Loosier4life” instead of his actual screen name Hoosier4life2005 as an insult does NOTHING to add to the conversation and make YOU look bad, and just making the point that when liberals are out of substance or can’t adequately defend their positions, they insult…

…just shows weakness, not strength…

Well I’m glad you’re more interested in the history of a subject than who comes out looking good!!! Because YOU AIN’T LOOKING GOOD HERE PAL!!!


WEAKNESS should be your middle name Positive.

I have NEVER seen a person with as little experience as you have GLOAT about his SUCCESS on a project you have YET to even COMPLETE.


Borderline DELUSIONAL!!!

Postive, you have to understand…

If people read history books, they would realize that Socialism hasnt worked throughout history. But then, Liberals wouldnt know what to do, so … they just ignore all of history and have fun with personal attacks and coming up with policies that make them feel good inside. Alot like Chris!

Also, the answer Liberals give to the failing public school situation is to THROW MORE MONEY AT IT. Chris… im a perfect example of the outcome from 12 years of public schooling, and you yourself know how bad my grammer is. Please tell your liberal buddies to stop the taxes and dont give public schools more money okay?

My opinion is pretty much nothing on this board, and I realize that. Ive never made a penny yet, so spare me FDJAKE(even tho i do find your posts helpful)

Well if there’s anyone here who would know about history books it’s an 18 year old kid right out of HIGH SCHOOL who talks about investments like he’s Jimmy Rodgers.

Im not even intelligent enough to understand that insult (dont know who jimmy rodgers is, aside from being a musician) so… yeah. Keep throwin money at the system guys!(Public schools baby!!!) Itll work eventually!!!

Ya know what Hoosier???

I think I can work with you…You haven’t gone to the darkside yet.

Don’t buy into all the right wing BULLSH*T Kid… You’ve got an entire LIFE ahead of you. KEEP THAT MIND OPEN!!!

It CAN be BOTH ways…You can help people AND make a PILE of MONEY all at the same time.

And I could care less if you smoke pot or don’t smoke pot…I did when I was your age. It didn’t lead me to ANYTHING…Just like having a BEER didn’t turn me into a raging alcoholic.

Your reply earned you a LOT of points in my book!! And I’m serious.
:beer :beer :beer :beer


Now your attacking public schools?? That is the saddest thing read here all day. Think about all the teachers you have had in your 12+ years of school, and I say 12+ because I am sure you repeated a grade or two. All the hard work that all of the people at your schools put in to make you into the obvious know it all teenage punk you are today and you can sit there and bash them like that. Dude, if I was in Indiana right now I would drive to your trailer house drag you outside and kick the crap out of you.

“If this guy thinks getting this dump rehabbed was tough”

Actually I don’t find the rehab tough at all… I’m sure selling it will be tougher, though…

“The sales contracts alone can be a NIGHTMARE if you sign with the wrong person.”

When I first started, I hooked up with a realtor, who helped me with things like COMPS, etc… and I agreed to work with him selling the property… We put together an agreement based on performance… 4% for the first month, 3% for the second and 1.5% for the third, and if he does not show it a minimum of 5 times a month (should have said 10), the agreement can be dissolved… He has a great track record, and own his own Help-U-Sell, and his DOM averages are between 30-45 days… so for this first flip, I’ll honor my committment to him… going forward, I’ll be looking at other avenues if that doesn’t work out…

“EXACTLY the same way you learned how to PROPERLY inspect a house for TERMITES”

Both a city inspector and a certified inspector did not catch this… but the great FDjake would have, and I have an ego… :rolleyes It was in a relatively small area BEHIND crap under the house AND gerry-rigged posts…

If I can’t rely on a city inspector with a report on the property AND a certified inspector they REQUIRED, I certainly can’t rely on them when I go to sell… :rolleyes

Christopher, as a course of business, I’m sure can tell you, that he relies on a certified inspectors report from all over the country, right? I guess they are all not reliable if mistakes are made… and they ARE made, correct Christopher?

People DO make mistakes, FDjake… Normal people don’t relive it over and over again, unless they have an agenda… which is WHY I believe it just bolsters the argument that it is KILLING YOU that the rookie’s numbers were BETTER than the self-proclaimed FDJAke… :rolleyes

Wow, just … wow. Of the whole 12 years I were in school, I can honestly say there were maybe 3-4 good teachers I had the whole time. I couldve learned more reading books from a library than spending 7 hours a day in that hellhole they call public schooling. Math was the only subject that school helped me in at all. Keep throwing money at it though man, itll fix eventually, im sure.

I have little respect for teachers(the majority) that are a complete joke, and would be FIRED in the private sector in a HEARTBEAT due to their poor performance.

I went to a typical HS, not a bottom-of-the-line HS either.

And now you assult me by calling me trailer trash? I dont live in a trailer, but even if I did, theres nothing wrong with that. You freakin Liberal Elitest.

That is what makes me the person I am and why I am so good at my job because I don’t judge people.

LOL, I can’t believe that is comming out of your mouth Christopher.

your right wing cronies on this board feel the need to bash everything that does not fit into the little black and white box in which you live.

The king of bashing has officially found people who he thinks bash more than him.

For example… Gun control. I am all for the right to bear arms, but c’mon does anyone really need to own an assault rifle for personal protection??? If you are in a situation where you need an assault rifle to protect yourself you are in serious trouble.

There is a reason why but you have never read the constitution therefore will never know that reason.

I do however think I am smarter than most people.

How can you call liberal economics smart?

“I have NEVER seen a person with as little experience as you have GLOAT about his SUCCESS on a project you have YET to even COMPLETE”

Gloat… no, just stating the facts… I wouldn’t even be bringing it up if you weren’t constantly using it a DISTRACTION with regards to the topics at hand… Think about it FDJake… the only time it comes up, is when YOU bring it up… but, I am “gloating”…

I just recently started pointing out within the past WEEK when I posted the numbers that you are just upset the rookie’s numbers are better than yours… :biggrin which is WHY you try to demean it so often…

Are you now disagreeing with all other investors on the concept that you make your money going in?


And you have NO IDEA what is waiting for you out there. Do you REALLY think your little performance based contract is going to dig out those WORTHLESS pre-approvals???


And when you SIGN with a person that has a weak pre-approval YOU"LL LEARN YOUR NEXT LESSON.

Chris W could help you avert this common NEW GUY mistake.


You haven’t even finished HALF this project. Never mind doing BETTER than another person.

WAIT…You have a TON to learn about how things REALLY work out there…

You COMPLETELY missed what I was talking about…You have NO CLUE how to dig these worthless pre-approvals out…and now adays you WILL be presented with NUMEROUS versions.

Like I said…You’lll LEARN…The HARD WAY!!!

You better beware fdjake… Chris is going to criticize you for not using grammatically correct english on the word “ya” and… you smoked pot??? Wow… cant wait to see Chris’s reaction to that… your a pothead loser now, you know that?

“because I don’t judge people”

No, just call 'em “Loosier” and “potsmoker” and “termite king” etc., etc. etc…

but you don’t “judge people”… Christopher, like FDjake, you are much more intelligent (even if self-proclaimed by the both of you) than this… why the insults?

Can you not provide discourse WITHOUT directly insulting people? Is that something you would teach your kids? Don’t discuss the idea’s but ridicule people personally who disagree with you? It’s one thing to disagree or ridicule an idea, but it quite another to get personal… to just degrade the respect people may have for you and your opinion…


Get your head out of your @SS.

I can GUARANTEE YOU that you can learn a HELL of a lot more about Real Estate investing from Chris than you can from Positive. Chris is in the mortgage business, he can give you advice that at your AGE can set you up for success. This business LIVES on YOUR ability to BORROW money. And you’re arguing with a guy that does this for a LIVING. Send him a PM and patch this BS up. It’ll be the best move you made here all year. Then LISTEN TO HIM and DO what he tells you to do.

Who gives ash*T what political party this guy belongs to or if he said you smoked pot???..LEARN from someone who can TEACH you something.

If I was 18 an a successful investor decided to teach me he could call me a drunk and I’d be fine with it.

CUT the BULLSH*T…You’re a KID with a TON to learn. Lose the attitude and start PAYING ATTENTION.

You have MILLIONAIRES HERE who can teach you…But they’re not going to waste their time on a know it all 18 year old kid.

Don’t blow it before you even get it started

When somebody calls me a potsmoker, says that I live in a trailer(nothing wrong with that), and refers to me as loosier just because of a view I have, its somewhat hard to listen to somebody like that, when that person constantly just bashes people.

When I simply said… im more interested in trading stocks than I was in REI, he quickly bashes me, and demands that I offer my stock predictions. and I bet if i hadnt made enough, or im not as informed in the stock market as you are Jake, in the stock market (even though im 18, im sure it wouldnt matter to Chris) I would have gotten bashed for that too.

Chris doesnt seem very willing to offer his knowledge(im sure he has some, hes making $$ apparently) and is more interested in just bashing…


You pissed him off…

Do you want to argue or MAKE MONEY???

If a millionaire (and I’m not saying Chris is a millionaire) said something that made you mad, would you NOT listen to him if he could help you???

Get use to it Kid…This is what LIFE is about. Dealing with people you may not like to obtain a goal you WANT!!!

Chris is SOLID and the info he can give you is PRICELESS at your age.

What possible REASON would I have to give you this advice other than to help you???

Mike Rossi (property manager) and I have had our go rounds…But I can tell you that if I needed advice on a rental…HE’s the guy I’m talking to.


So AGAIN, since you didn’t answer it AGAIN… are you saying that you now disagree with other investors here and elsewhere that the concept of making your money going in is not applicable?

“And you have NO IDEA what is waiting for you out there.”

That’s true, I have not sold an investment property before, which is WHY I will be watching and learning…

“Do you REALLY think your little performance based contract is going to dig out those WORTHLESS pre-approvals???”

No, but it frontloads the performance regarding activity on my property… and in this case, being that I am honoring my committment to the realtor, we’ll see how it works out when I put it up for sale…

“And when you SIGN with a person that has a weak pre-approval YOU"LL LEARN YOUR NEXT LESSON.”

That is something that is out of my control… worst case scenario, I can rent it out or lease-option it… but BECAUSE I took my time, paid for it, I have OPTIONS…

“Chris W could help you avert this common NEW GUY mistake.” -

No doubt about it, Christopher is a smart guy (even self-proclaimed), but the more he sounds and operates like you (not idea’s, but insults), the less I am interested in hearing his opinion… I feel everyone has much more to learn on this site from the likes of PropertyManager, Hooch, who spend their time providing relevant idea’s WITHOUT insulting everyone… I am sure the owners of this site appreciate all your insightful insults and abuse, FDjake… You have much more to contribute than the way you do it now…


FDjake, you are the only one who asserts this… I have said on MULTIPLE occassions that I do not know everything… as a matter of fact, you find me saying this more in posts than you, so who is saying they “know it all”… you couldn’t even say based on the number that was a great pick on the property I chose… what does that say about who you are?

“You haven’t even finished HALF this project.”

Another assumption on your part…

“You have a TON to learn about how things REALLY work out there…”

Maybe, but I am not afraid to admit it…

“Like I said…You’lll LEARN…The HARD WAY!!!”

That which doesn’t kill us makes us stronger… sometimes the BEST LESSONS are learned the hard way… but it shouldn’t matter to you… you have no real interest in my success, and that is quite obvious…