I Lost my job and my credit score was lower than pond scum...

Both of you foul mouthed cockroaches need to find another play pen. You crossed the line.

Javipa was given a house and everything to get started. Thats why he acts like mr. macho in topics with people who were not born on easy street.

Who started with the harrassment? Javipa
Who joined in on it? You did

You two bozos are the ones mentoring newbies here

You two are the long term members

You are being bad examples

You suck

Then you call me a cockroach?

You older stooges need to remember real people are behind these computer screens

If this was real life you most definately would be physically assaulted

Who do you think you are?

I only offer advice. I advise you to take it on down the road. Find other playmates that are willing to tolerate you foul mouths and bad attitudes. Until you can change your sucky attitudes, stay away.

He’s also a racist.

Life is so much better at my Northern Idaho retreat (cave). No foul mouth punks with bad attitudes who blame the world for their situations to deal with. With my Real Estate profits I purchased a bad ass 4/4 Quad. It’s difficult to hunt using it because it scares all the critters but it sure is fun exploring new areas in the wilderness. I’ve found amazing ancient artifacts and as an amateur geologist I conclude they are hundreds or maybe thousands of years old.
I have a 65" Sony Ultra HD TV on my Cave wall, I use a go Pro camera to record my adventures. I have spotted Big Foot and we exchanged hand signals from across the canyon, and I may be the first human to communicate with this beast. Perhaps at some point we can share a meal and possibly cross breed, he does have a cute sister.
I got to get back to my habitat, life is good.

I am not white and if Randoskie is a flaming racist in northern Idaho it makes no difference to me.

He just changed his clowning tune and slithered away already, to his “cave”, what a clown.

These two dorks instigated this disruption with name calling and did not expect any conflict in return

Miss All Ears,

Hilariously, you’re not the first women to have a meltdown, because of something I’ve said, but it usually takes a couple years for them to hate me.

It’s also been a long time since I’ve been accused of having a silver spoon in my mouth. Meanwhile, I have never been given a house. That I’m aware of…

However, I did receive experience and the consequent advantages of managing my parent’s real estate portfolio after my dad was diagnosed with brain cancer in 1981, when I was 22. Before that, my parents started me cleaning the toilets of their first rental house in Arvada, Colorado when I was just eight years old. So, anyone could say that my career in real estate started in the toilet.

Other than having a dad that decided he was going to invest in real estate, and not make excuses why he couldn’t, in order to avoid living with my brother, or myself, in retirement, he provided an excellent model for me, but that was the extent of the freebies.

I’ve worked quite hard for everything I have. I also got some seriously negative feedback when I wasn’t doing what I either promised to do, failed to do, or just didn’t know what I was doing.

More importantly, since I didn’t have financial resources to start with, I was forced to seek creative real estate financing options, and I discovered ‘gurus’ such as Barney Zick and Robert Allen. I’ve leaving out about 30 others that helped me figure out how to find, negotiate and close on motivated sellers, and otherwise control real estate.

The bottom line was that I was not taking ‘no’ for answer. I also wasn’t having fits and emotional meltdowns when someone was giving me feedback on my poor performance.

Meantime, I’ve deliberately provoked you and Redstar to get off the dime, and stop blaming others for your lack of success. My first gentle nudges did nothing. So, I ratcheted it up a notch. That didn’t accomplish anything either, evidently, except put you and Redstar into ‘toxic shock’ (google it).

No need to apologize. I give up. I want to help those who actually want to do something, not just talk about it.

“I did receive experience and the consequent advantages of managing my parent’s real estate portfolio after my dad was diagnosed with brain cancer in 1981, when I was 22. Before that, my parents started me cleaning the toilets of their first rental house in Arvada, Colorado when I was just eight years old. So, anyone could say that my career in real estate started in the toilet.”

Your real estate career did not start in the toilet, it started on third base, and then your parents hit a homer. You were given everything for free. You were born on third base you dummy.

I once read an interesting quote. We are all self made and each person is responsible for where he is in life.
Another one was is " The greatest thing my generation has learned is that it is possible to change our lives by changing our way of thinking" I believe that was written by William James
Your reaction of anger is or could be a good thing. When I fist started about 3 1/2 or 4 years ago I was told by a couple of old crows on another site that I shud get out of RE. I had made some mistakes. Well, It really pissed me off, I vowed to prove these old crows wrong. It was a driving force that kicked my ass in gear. I didn’t embark on a childish name calling crusade, I put my plan into action to make money and prove them wrong. Can you say constructive action?
What will it take to get you off your loser butt and do something?
Or you going to get angry and put forth more childish insults?
Get a better attitude and prosper, or not, and go down in flames.
Your choice.

Like I said, “No need to apologize. I give up. I want to help those who actually want to do something, not just talk about it.”

I’m out.

He's also a racist.

Ahh the racist card, the tried and true weapon of feminine cowards…

Yea, I’m still trying to figure that out. was that raciest attack from left field? Was that all about?
I do have a dislike of lazy whiny blamers never taking action type, but that’s not a race, it’s condition.
I grow tired of this nonsense,.
Let’s make some Money…

I was calling Javipa the racist.

In reference to posts he made about a year ago.

You’re right, it takes huge “balls” to send out letters in the mail and take phone calls.

Redhand, you continue attributing things to me that have no context. Please provide the racists post I’ve made. Otherwise, nobody accuses me of racism, except for you, and you seem to have an extra chromosome of sensitivity to this issue.

Meantime, I don’t know what race you are. You’ve never exposed that fact. I must assume your American Indian, since your pseudonym has “red” in it. Am I correct? Or are you of Russian descent?

Notwithstanding, losers use race to advance their positions.

It was a comment about being sued by “some Black woman” and how barrio investing was terrible.

I’m 1/4 Iroquois, 1/4 Russian, 1/4 Australian Aborigine, and 1/4 native of Papua New Guinea

This is my last family reunion.


I’ve never been sued by any black person, male or female, ever.

Go away. And take your racism with you.

I’m not going to respond to anything more you post, no matter how inflammatory, racist, or provocative it is.

Good luck in your endeavors. I’m out.

Oh I thought he was saying I was raciest, and I was puzzled because I’m half okie, half Choctaw Indian, I have an Asian wife and a Yeti for a girlfriend.
When I checked my DNA I found out I’m cross bred with ancient aliens an early hominoids.