Let me outline my last four sub2 deals for ya:
Bought $52,000
Sold $64,900 with $5K down
$7K backside profit
Bought $114
Sold $139,900 with $8K
$15K backside profit
Bought $82K
Sold $104,900 with $5K down
$17K backside
Bought $120K
Sold $134,900 with $5K down
$9K backside
That’s $23K in cash, $41K backside profit. Each averaging $200/month cash flow. I’ve structured these in a way where they either refinance or pay me a nice interest rate for the next 30 years.
I bought two Junkers today that I’ll make around $27K on.
I’m buying a house sub2 tomorrow that has $25K equity in (30% on this cheap house)
My deals are puny compared to people who know what they’re doing…
You talk an aweful lot of trash for someone who is yet to do a deal…
Stay home.