Yeah, I would quit, too if I had to reinvent the wheel every time I woke up to real estate investing, and could do nothing consistently.
I don’t think real estate investing is for you. You hate everything involved with it, and have said as much. You’re bored by routine, and you would rather kill yourself than do the basics involved in this business. I understand.
So, just find something different that you love, and stop pounding your head on the pavement.
That said, I don’t like busy work either. It’s boring. So, I automate as much as possible. For example, I won’t fold and stuff letters, lick envelopes, or apply labels in bulk myself …ever. Instead I focus on delegating those tasks, and sending the right message to my market, and not focus as much on the medium.
As a result, I love postcards. They get read. Letters don’t.
I’m not saying don’t send letters. I’m just saying I don’t send them out in bulk, and I don’t send them to homeowners. I only send letters to commercial and multi-family investors. And twenty-five letters is my limit per day.
Meantime, I automate at least the following:
- Sending incoming sellers to live phone.
- Sending incoming buyers to voice mail.
- Sending the same 3x5 DM piece every 4-6 weeks through a mailing service.
- Sending to the same list over and over.
- Using 1-page escrow instruction.
- Relying on a scripted presentation to disqualify suspects, so I waste as little time with losers as possible.
- Only make in-person offers, when/if all the decision makers agree to show up.
Making offers should become routine, when you stick with a script. This way you say the same things, in the same way, and in the same order to every suspect.
However, this is all too difficult and boring for some, and they need to quit and do something easier and less sophisticated.