Paying extra each month or well in advance in cash with no employment check…
Drug money maybe? There’s a reason to screen people. I don’t want people growing or selling drugs in our houses and have the cops come over and tear up the house to get them out.
LL’s should know where the money is coming from…whether that be from the gov’t for assistance, a regular job, child support, disability, etc.
Have you seen that TV show “Dallas SWAT”? They bust drug houses by hooking up a tank to the front of the house and pulling the whole front porch off of the house. You know who pays to put that house back together again don’t you.
I thought that only happen in the movies to get better ratings.
Yeah, it’s the same little REI fairy that pays to fix broken windows and door frames every time some dirtbag breaks into one of our houses. :biggrin
davewindsor I am glad you brought up the point about renters leaving lines blank on a application. The best one yet is dealing with a so call investor that want to buy a complex from us but he only fill out 15% of the application and I open the door and said have a good day.