Going to a club

The Texans already have a $10Million quarterback. They can’t afford 2 of them.

And a new quarterback takes 2 to 3 years to develop (ouch!!), that would be expensive and may prevent the Texans from building a new team around Vince which can take advantage of his talents.

Sorry wrong board.

The locals here weer discussing that…perhaps the Texans can draft the Longhorn QB and trade him for an entire offensive line to protect the $10M QB they already have…


Nahh, just go ahead and hire his senior linesman that graduate with him… he’s got some huge guys that can DEFINETELY block for him…


Anyone that can’t come up with $10 to get into a meeting does not have the drive and the commitment to make it in his business or any other. I returned my soda cans the other day and got about $9.50 and while looking for a pen that fell under my car seat found almost a dollar in change. $10 is NOTHING! Skip a meal tomorrow and use the money to go to the meeting.

You are not only rich but you are right too. I would be more concerned that I am going to waste 4 hours than $10. The club I am a member of costs $180/year, and guests can usually come for $20. Even if the information is not what you are looking for, there is always something to learn.

Contact them and find out what is on the agenda for this month and pick the topic that you are interested in. Save your $10 for that meeting.

A lot of clubs will let you attend the first meeting free. Easy way to save $10 is to take any change you receive from purchases and save it. Don’t spend the change, but set it aside in a cup or container. Surprising how fast that builds up and is something we don’t think about, or miss - no matter how little money you have.

Nope, not rich yet…name is Rich. Working on the wealth aspect so I can be rich and Rich. :wink:

do you all mean to tell me this boi still hasn’t responded? oh my. i’m going to my first club meeting on thursday. and a seminar. $68. i packed lunch for a month.