I cut and pasted this…Like I said earlier I firmly disagree with everything that comes out fdjakes mouth but this is one point I agree with him on…Stocking food,guns and these people that buy tunnels underground in Idaho signal the bottom…We averted disaster in our economy…Im not saying there wont be bumps along the way but these doomsday predictions are getting annoying…I liken this scenario to the people who believe that 9/11 was a conspiracy,and the Mayan 2012 Doomsday prediction…All BS…Best part is the people that are preparing for the end will only supposedly live on a desolate earth anyway…Id rather take a dirt nap with the masses
Gerald Celente is a fear monger and clueless (PROOF)
Bad news, GLP doom mongers: Gerald Celente usually does a very good job at removing all his NUMEROUS bad past predictions in order to highlight when he gets one right. For example, he predicts utter doom every year and waits until something bad happens to verify his predictions.
Unfortunately, one of his old articles are still up. Lets see how right Celente is when we look at his predictions from 1997:
GERALD CELENTE IS WRONG - 2000s predictions.
“Somewhere around the year 2000, the revelation–and revolution–will come. The lawn! Lawns are everywhere: millions of costly, intensively cared for suburban lawns have been doing nothing but growing grass. But a lawn that’s turned into a vegetable patch can produce fresh food.”
100% WRONG
“The videophone, meanwhile, will keep us in touch with faraway relatives. Today when we use the phone, we are still communicating by radio. With the addition of the videophone’s visual dimension, long-distance communication will be more like television.”
100% WRONG
“By the year 2000, getting and staying healthy will no longer be a hobby but a necessity for survival. The health information people need will be available; the difficulty will be distinguishing the gold from the dross. Those who are serious about their millennium resolutions to take better care of themselves will begin by checking into one of the new longevity centers springing up around the country. Longevity centers will be to health what colleges are to education–equal parts spa, health club, hospital, detoxification center, fat farm, and resort. They will be staffed with medical doctors well versed in both state-of-the-art medicine and alternative therapies, as well as nutritionists, acupuncturists, herbalists, chiropractors, and a diverse group of physical, emotional, and spiritual therapists and healers.”
100% WRONG
“Another key player will be the vitamin counselor. While vitamins have been available in supermarkets and health food stores for decades, it was only in the early 1990s that it became apparent that no two people have the same nutritional needs. Effective vitamin counseling must be individualized, just like effective medical advice; a person’s age, lifestyle, profession, and eating habits must be taken into account. But most mainstream physicians have had little training in nutrition, and we can’t expect knowledgeable advice from minimum-wage clerks at health food stores. Vitamin counselors, on the other hand, will be multidisciplinary practitioners; they’ll have a solid grounding of medical knowledge but won’t need four years of medical school. By the year 2000 they will be on their way to becoming as professionalized and as respected as pharmacists.”
100% WRONG
“The return of individuality will spell an end to the multibillion-dollar fashion industry The bulk of day-to-day apparel will consist of durable mass-produced casual wear. Where appearance matters, the combination of computerization and declining wages will bring custom tailoring back to an affordable price range. The result–personally designed “smartwear”–will bridge the gap between casual and formal: appearance-enhancing but comfortable.”
100% WRONG
“Worker Revolts. One of the underreported stories of 1996 was the massive street demonstrations in Indonesia, where people were tired of working for slave wages. We’re going to see more workers fighting for higher pay, even in developed countries. It happened in Germany when the government tried cutting pensions and health benefits. In Canada, demonstrations almost shut down the Toronto Stock Exchange–and Canadians never protest anything.”
100% WRONG
“Dr. Death. This summer the Supreme Court will likely rule on physician-assisted suicide. Whatever the Court’s decision, assisted suicide is becoming part of our culture. Growing numbers of terminally ill people simply don’t want to live, and they will seek out euthanasia just as they sought abortions when they didn’t want children. Also, as the population ages and medical costs rise, profit-hungry HMOS won’t want to pay for medical care for people whose lives are nearly over.”
100% WRONG
“The public is going to demand that the government break up powerful corporate monopolies. One industry that will almost certainly suffer the wrath of trust busters is health care. There are insurance companies that also own HMOs, hospitals, and drug manufacturers–the entire spectrum of medical services.”
100% WRONG
“All in the Family. The flip side of the antimonopoly movement. Businesses that are family-owned and operated–or that at least give the impression of being mom-and-pop establishments–will thrive.”
100% WRONG
“So the next social upheaval in America won’t come from Generation X but from today’s teens and preteens. They will be tomorrow’s revolutionaries. And just as the boomers protested the Vietnam War, these kids are going to march against materialism and greed. They’ll be driven to it for a number of reasons, one being economic. They are not going to have the same opportunities that the boomers or even Generation Xers have had. Conspicuous consumption simply won’t be an option for them.”
100% WRONG
So what do we have? WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG and WRONG. But it doesn’t matter. Because Celente tells you the doom you want to hear, GLPers will continue to eat up the dung he spews.