Dr. Chu weighs in on Global Warming

That is a great queston!!

I would still like to know what temperature the environmental wackos are shooting for! Would they like the temperature 1 degree cooler; 1 degree warmer; 5 degrees warmer? WHAT DO THEY WANT???

Or is what they really want Socialism and Control?


I think they just wanna be 1 or 2 billion dollars richer off of this we’re all about to die theory.lol


“Or is what they really want Socialism and Control?”

As usual… excellent point…


“I think they just wanna be 1 or 2 billion dollars richer off of this we’re all about to die theory.lol”

The banks are making money off of this, and I recently read an article (and I think I posted it here), that predicted that the trading of “hot air” is expected to be the largest trading commodity - in the TRILLIONS!

You’d think if the banks were FOR it, the socialists would be against it… that means that they are going to get paid somehow…

Global warming is caused by aliens…admit it.

Global warming is true and will kill us all by the year 3000, but we will all be dead by then anyway. My son told me that since the Mayan calendar does not calculate any dates past the year 2012, this is proof that there is going up in a fireball that destroys the earth in that year. So let’s just make as much money as we can before that and participate in wild parties a debauchery.

propertymanager and others,

There is no degree temperature wanted!

What is significant about ocean temperature rising is that it could affect the food supply for billions of people! One small thing, higher temperature, leading to another small affect, like more acidity or algae and then suddenly diminishing fish stocks.

What the heck does this science have to do with socialism and control?
This is real serious. Environmental science, not politics.

Why did old-time miners put a canary in the coal mine?

Because it died first when the oxygen level dropped. So the miners could run out of the mine shaft before they dropped due to hypoxia.

Now there are canaries dying. Because the climate is changing.

If increased man-made carbon is pushing climate change then let’s TRY to do something about it. Before there is mass hunger and population dislocation.


Wow They will probably be moving to Texas…MORE MONEY FOR ME!!!


LOL,you sound like one of those “evil” capitalist that like a profit(evilword).Don’t you know you’re just supposed to be here to spread the wealth oh… and quit breating,save the planet :rolleyes

There is no degree temperature wanted!

Furnishedowner - does that REALLY make sense to you? It certainly does not make sense to me! If you’re telling me that the world is getting too warm, then you must want it to be cooler. So, please tell me what temperature you are shooting for! If you can’t do that, how will we know when the socialists have saved the day?

You see, the socialists won’t tell us what temperature they’re shooting for, because that would defeat their purpose. Their purpose is to INVENT a crisis, so that they can use that crisis to gain control for their socialist agenda. In the 70’s, the socialists were claiming that the world was cooling and that we were facing the next ice age! They should be THRILLED - we’re not heading toward an ice age and they claim that the world has warmed a stunning ONE DEGREE! :rolleyes

Now that they’ve got the warming they wanted in the 70’s, they’re crying because the warming is going to cause global catastrophe! If the climate started cooling, they would say it’s a crisis and demand more control without missing a beat!

WAKE UP! This is NOT about the global temperature - it’s about control! IT’S ABOUT MONEY! They want to control every aspect of your life and they want your money! It’s that simple!

If it was really about global warming would’nt we be building more nuclear power plants,more diesel autos,natural gas,etc,etc.You said the exact truth on this,especially with the govt so excited about it should tell even a child that something is corrupt.The “socialists” see that Al Gore has gotten rich off this BS and now they want on the train on a worldwide level.


What nonsense.

You tie everything to Socialism! That doesn’t make any sense!

The measurement of the temperature of the globe is one tiny part of the whole enormous, intricate picture of what is happening to the weather, oceans, ecosystems, and the plants and animals that live on earth.

It is as if Dr. Propertymanager said, “If this patient’s temperature is normal, then he doesn’t have cancer.” Without looking at other diagnostics like blood labs, physical examinations, or xrays.

You are buying into the same nonsense. Nuclear power plants take decades to get up and running. Less polluting engines and fuels also take years of research and funding. I am all for those things. But there is a lot of political pressure for the status quo. A lot of that pressure is from Conservatives: “Don’t change anything. What we’ve got is good enough. We’re making money aren’t we?”


And conversely, If the patients temperature rises from 98.6 to 98.7 degrees it doesn’t mean that he’s terminally ill either.


Not "buying into anything my friend,just facts.My neighbor works specifically on nuclear power plants,and they don’t take decades to build.I also have a friend who just retired from the chevron plant and the FACT is that diesel is a biproduct of refining gasoline.He said years ago they used to toss it.Also you have a whole country(germany)that has been and is selling thier highly fuel efficiant autos here.Diesel also burns alot cleaner,therefore less emmissions,therefore better milage.I guess you go along with obama’s "green jobs czar"and blame it all on the white conservatives. :rolleyes

I also have’nt heard any conservatives say that BS you said.Its the liberals who scream about this,but yet still import billions of gal. of oil and natural gas(which we are sitting right on top of!!If you can’t see that cap and trade crap is all about money and not the environment you need new glasses.

What nonsense.

You tie everything to Socialism! That doesn’t make any sense!

Of course it does. The wackos are trying to create a crisis they can use to institute government control of the means of production - SOCIALISM!!!

The measurement of the temperature of the globe is one tiny part of the whole enormous, intricate picture of what is happening to the weather, oceans, ecosystems, and the plants and animals that live on earth.

That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve seen posted on REIClub in a LONG time! The global temperature isn’t a “tiny part” of the picture - it’s the ENTIRE PICTURE! Ever hear of GLOBAL WARMING??? The wackos were saying that the increase in global temperature was going to lead to global catastrophe! Only after the wackos realized that the temperature wasn’t going to keep going up for them did they change their cause to “CLIMATE CHANGE”!

Let me try to be very clear - IT IS A SCAM!!!



No nuclear plant has been built here in decades. Please correct me if I’m wrong (You WILL whether I ask or not…) because of the horrendous amount of regulations regarding anything nuclear.

I’m sure one could be built quickly enough, it’s the approval that makes it a problem. Remember that being anti-nuclear used to be very popular. Instead people wanted solar, wind, wave power.

Try turning on the lights all over a big city with solar, wind or wave. It ain’t gonna happen. Still maybe decades away.

We need more nuclear plants being built now.

I just wrote that ocean temperatures are the highest last year ever recorded in 130 years of record keeping.
You can call that “wacko”; I call it scary. No one knows what the end results will be from all these incremental changes. Losing huge amounts of fish stocks, a large part of the world’s protein supply, will be catastrophic for those people who may well starve.

We don’t know where this is going. That’s why we need to try to slow it down by controlling carbon emissions. That cycle is proven and well-documented.



“I just wrote that ocean temperatures are the highest last year ever recorded in 130 years of record keeping. You can call that “wacko”…”

Yes, and think about what YOU wrote… so the ocean temps are the highest in 130 years, which MEANS that it was ALSO higher than a 100 years ago in the 70’s when they called this Global COOLING… ??? I would respectfully suggest that you too easily accept a premise without questioning it’s basis…

Heat rises… simple as that… the argument for increased ocean temps, and then greenhouse temps PREVENTING the heat from escaping the atmosphere, would lead to one result, the surface temperature BETWEEN the two would HAVE to increase, as you have temps from below (oceans) AND above (atmosphere not releasing heat forcing it BACK DOWN)… heating up the surface temp…

and YET, despite this, the surface temps have COOLED, even while during the SAME TIME Carbon use, THE reason stated for global warming has INCREASED to its HIGHEST recorded level also…

Think of a double- boiler… the water (ocean is on the bottom, the food (land mass surface temp) is in the middle, and the lid with vent (lid is representing atmoshphere with greenhouse gases being trapped, and vent represents heat that gets through to space)…

The temperature heats through (radiant heat), around (why the shore line is HOTTER than inland) and top of the food… what you are asking people to believe is that BOTH the ocean and atmosphere heat up, but the land mass COOLS…

Nevermind the influence of atmospheric conditions (wind, solar activity), subsurface volcanic activity, etc…

How do you explain this dichotomy??? Yes, that’s right, they can’t EITHER, which is why we’ve gone from global COOLING (little ice age) back in the 70’s to Global Warming to now Climate “change”… and yet, DESPITE being so desperately wrong from one extreme to another, Global Cooling to Global Warming, you want to give them TRILLIONS, and the government MORE CONTROL, and financially HURT poor people, WITHOUT them PROVING their THEORY…

Of course, they would FIRST have to settle on a actual theory… Cooling? Warming? Change?

You make good points for actually,both of us.It’s alot of redtape to build nuclear plants,but if the times are so desperate for them why don’t they put that crap to the side??Answer is that they want the “panic” to be fixed with their solution only(so they all get $$billions).So if you and I can agree it’s an already proven brilliant solution,why can’t they??I mean it’s such a "we’ve gotta fix it now!"problem why waste time on developing a solution,it’s already there and european nations can prove it. Oh and I’m also glad we are getting to agree on things better. :beer

Yep, I’m happy we agree on the need for more nuclear too.

I can’t debate science with you because I don’t have the background to do so. I don’t think you do either. So it’s like Dumb and Dumber having a debate. I’m Dumb and you are…

But nothing is simple. If the oceans get warmer, then there is more evaporation. Then there should be more cloud cover. Then this should cool the ocean.

The patient keeps getting sicker, and we’ve got to start treatment now before he gets terminal. Even if we don’t know the disease path for sure.

Scientists are struggling to understand and predict our ever-changing environment. But if the climate change is caused by man, and it is negative, and could be catastrophic, then let’s mitigate it. Now.


Thank goodness for gov’t run health care!!! :biggrin

Sorry furnished…I couldn’t resist. Smile, it’s a holiday weekend. Have a good weekend!